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  1. M

    ...ain't this a darn shame? The only reason I can think of to spend any time looking for the perp is that he's probably every bit as unsavory as the "victim."
  2. M

    NOT a LawDog File

    ...but the writer is certainly an Honor Grad of the "LawDog Correspondence Course of Creative Writing." Note: I cannot in any way attest to the veracity of this, but it sure makes for a good read... *********************************** An original true story, written by a Battalion Fire Chief...
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    Lawdog - Help! (What's a "court" gun?)

    Many years ago you provided descriptions of BBQ and "court" guns. I've found the thread containing the BBQ gun/ensemble, but no joy on finding the court gun. Can you post it again? Or point me to the old thread that had it? Thanks.
  4. M

    Online privacy? Phffft!

    Got these gems in the e-mail today. If this don't chill your blood, I don't know what will. (Hate to be on the same side as the ACLU, but they happen to be fighting the good fight on these.) First, we have the courts saying there's no right to internet anonymity...
  5. M

    Fred sez ain't target shooting.

    Good column from Fred Reed on the difference between the range and the street... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>This is what cops face in the real world. Details vary enormously, but, assuming a good cop...
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    (OT) Cancer

    This probably belongs somewhere else. Just found out about two hours ago my dad has stomach cancer, with a tumor about the size of a fist. Don't really know that much about it, but that can't be good - especially for a 75-year old man who went in for an abdominal aortic bypass, only to have...
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    HCI's website...

    Came across this gem while looking for something else... From: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>According to a 2000 report prepared by the Violence Policy Center, "License to Kill III: Texas Concealed...
  8. M

    DEA agent not charged... Friday, September 15, 2000 Story last updated at 1:29 a.m. on Friday, September 15, 2000 Agent not charged in killing; DEA criticized By Mark Reynolds and Jim Schoettler Times-Union staff writers State Attorney Harry...
  9. M

    Fred Reed says NRA members are boring... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Any time I go near the NRA, I'm struck by one fact: These folk are, from a crime writer's point of view, the most deadeningly dull, boring, unproductive people on earth. As individuals...
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    Special dispensation for FUD

    I understand the reasoning behind keeping topics, even in "General," on track, so to speak. I would, nonetheless, make a motion to allow FUD to post whatever strikes his fancy. His various trials and tribulations are both entertaining and enlightening, and we'll all be just a little poorer for...
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    The Criminality of the State

    A timely article which proposes that the more powerful the state becomes, the more criminally it behaves. Did I say timely? It was written over 61 years ago... ------------------ "...and he that hath no sword, let...
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    CCW & Lightning

    My wife witnessed three of her coworkers be struck by lightning Tuesday. (DOCSpanky - yes, it's the strike you're thinking of - the white Lumina sitting in the middle of everything was her's.) Thankfully, all are expected to recover fully. Got me thinking though. Given the amount of heat...
  13. M

    Sean Dillon?

    If a decent movie were to be made around Jack Higgins' character, who could you see playing Dillon? (Sorry, Rob Lowe & Kyle McClaughlin just didn't cut it.) Brigadier Ferguson? Kim the Ghurka? Inspector Hannah? And which novel would you pick to turn into a screenplay? ------------------...
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    Latest GAO Report

    If anyone cares to wade through umpteen pages of bureaucrattese, the following GAO report may be of interest: Gun Control: Options For Improving the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. GGD-00-56. 29 pp. plus 6 appendices (42 pp.) April 12, 2000...
  15. M

    Another poll...

    This looks to be a local one, and may not go anywhere, but HEY - every little bit helps. "Is the NRA necessary?" Yes 58% No 39% Undecided 2%,1793,56,00.html ------------------ "...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."...
  16. M

    GAO Report on NICS

    Very boring (I can't believe I read the whole thing.), but posted FYI nonetheless. ------------------ "...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Luke 22:36 "An armed society is a polite society." Robert Heinlein
  17. M

    Class III 870?

    So, if I have one of my barrels shortened to, say, 14" for my 870 (paying appropriate taxes, filling out paperwork, etc) how exactly is that viewed? Have I now converted my entire 870, and subjected it to all the reg's, or does it just apply to that one barrel? Looked over at the BATF site...
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    OK, we might as well go ahead and get the Navy thread started. NEC 1130 myself - Chief Fire Controlman for the MK86 Gun Fire Control System (we be the ones giving you Marines fire support...), currently on well deserved shore duty as a tech rep ------------------ "...and he that hath no sword...
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    Don't get involved? Be a good witness?

    My wife received this story from a friend yesterday. I can't vouch for its veracity, but still thought it was worth sharing. I like to think I know how most who frequent this forum would have reacted. ********************************* Being in the right place at the right time. I was walking...
  20. M

    A scholarly treatise...

    And with a high falutin' subject line like that, you just know it's going to be long, dry, and sort of boring. And it is. It's also quite good if you can slough your way through it. ------------------ "...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his...