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    Washington state: magazine ban passes senate

    If you live in WA, you might want to contact your representative, before the house votes... This looks like another...
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    Warrantless search case involving gun confiscation

    What are the implications of the arguments here? This looks to be more of a 4th Amendment issue, but it certainly touches upon gun control scheme's "public heath" arguments...
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    Universal Background Check bill passes House vote Ladies and Gents, please contact your Senators. This ineffective scheme is a few votes away from being federal law.
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    Q Honey Badger Pistol now SBR according to the ATF Interesting to see what comes of this. The pistol brace has had a back-and-forth legal history with regards to how a user can legally use it, but until...
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    A (new) old classic Colt

    Picked up a royal blued Colt 1903 reproduction. I think I found the new BBQ gun! Https:// Https://
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    Potential SCOTUS case round-up

    With the recent SCOTUS nomination circus, I am curious about 2nd Amendment related cases that may be reviewed by the court in the (semi) near future. TTAG had an article on some possible cases...
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    Defense Distributed, et al

    So, the DoJ made a settlement with Defense Distributed, dropping their attempts to ban design files for 3D printed firearms (at least the "not inherently military" kind.) Recently, a federal judge placed a stay on that settlement, keeping the restrictions against publishing the designs...from...
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    Suppressed .22 bolt actions

    So, after trying out a Ruger American with a can, I have to say, suppressed .22 bolt guns are a ton of fun. I tried some of the CCI Quiet stuff, and it is pretty much Hollywood quiet, but it doesn't group worth a darn in my rifle. Federal standard velocity was making 1.5in groups at 50yds...
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    Legal theory and ATF reclassification

    Rumor has it, the BATFE is going to be starting a public comment period on reclassifying bump stocks and other devices as NFA "machine guns.". ( Let's say they do reclassify...
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    Holster quest: XDS with CT laserguard pro

    I recently picked up a CT Laserguard Pro (LL-802), and the Blade-tech holster that came with it. Unfortunately, the holster isn't what I'm looking for. It sits too vertical and the bottom back corner is quite fat (digs into my side or prints). Does anyone know a company that makes a good IWB...
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    NFA SBR/pistol transport questions

    If there are ATF letters addressing these questions, please point me in the right direction! I have two scenarios I would like to address: Scenario 1: Registered NFA SBR (via Form 1) from an AR-15 lower. Should a person desire to travel with said lower, would reconfiguring it to a pistol...
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    .300 Blackout Magazine (subsonic)

    For those of you who have AR-15 platforms in .300blk and shoot subsonics, what magazine works best for you? I have noticed that Remington 220 grain loads are rather susceptible to malfunctions in my Pmags (30 round). I'm getting lots failures to feed. Sometimes the bolt does not strip the...
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    Hearing Protection Act (HR 3799)

    A bill has recently been introduced to remove suppressors from the NFA. It currently has 16 cosponsors, and was referred to the Ways and Means and Judiciary committees. Some background: Personally, I rather doubt...
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    Pistol Ready Positions: Pros and Cons

    (On another thread, we sidetracked away from the topic into the pros and cons of various ready positions. Opinions were strong, so I thought I'd move it to a new thread.) I'd like to discus a few pistol positions that I've seen taught. Feel free to add others that you've seen! To start...
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    Miller v. "Assault weapons bans"

    I was wondering if some of the better legal minds could comment on this. Would the Miller decision be useful in legal arguments against a ban on "military style" firearms and accessories? It would seem to me that something like an AR-15 would be protected under the Miller decision (in...
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    Military Residency Question

    I know the BATFE sent out the letter about potential dual residencies for military members (PCS to a base in one state, but commute from another.) I have a question that is a twist on that. I have a driver's license from TX, PCSed to a base in MD, and commute from VA. So, what state(s) can I...
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    Mid-range, semi-auto, .308 rifle options

    I'm thinking about getting a .308 rifle for ranges of 500-600yds, with a mid-power optic. I want it to be semi-auto and capable of 2-2.5moa groups (or better). I've been looking at some FALs, PTR-91s, and AR-10s. What are the pros and cons that you have experienced? Are there options out...
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    10/22 Tech-sight problem

    I recently put a set of tech-sights on my 10/22. The problem I have is with the front sight. The detent pin to hold the front post in place is stuck in the down position, so it won't hold a zero. Has anyone else had this occur? Do you know how to fix it?
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    Question on hangun ammunition laws

    If I read correctly on the ATF site, it is illegal for businesses to sell handgun ammunition to persons under 21. Is this a total prohibition on handgun ammunition for those under 21, or does this apply only to businesses? In other words, is it legal for a 19 year old person to possess...
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    Private transfer issue

    I am currently a resident of Illinois, residing in Colorado (military). I would like to purchase a pistol from a seller in Colorado. I do not have a FOID card, and I no longer recieve mail from my Illinois address (the house was sold when I joined the AF). From my online searches, it appears...