Search results

  1. G

    Cattleman .45LC Taylor or Uberti?

    Alright, so I traded in a Ruger .22 Single Six which I bought for stupid reasons and a 7/8's full 500 round box of Winchester HV .22's for 225 dollars off a used .45LC Single Action Cattleman. (Cost 200 bucks on top of the trade in.) It says A. Uberti - Italy on the under side of the barrel and...
  2. G

    Gun commercials

    I'm sure there is a simple answer to this, I just don't know what it is. Why is it there aren't any gun commercials on tv? Are they illegal, and if so, what law is it that bans them?:cool:
  3. G

    ACLU at it again Somehow, this just doesn't surprise me. I for one would not agree with this. And while I'm sure the ACLU has been on the side of a couple of actual victims every now and then. They seem to love to show how they are there for the...
  4. G

    Does the gun stance define the person?

    This is kind of in response to the anti-celebrity thread that has been revisited recently. When you hear that someone you know, or admire, from tv or in your personal life, doesn't support the second amendment the way it was intended to, or that they support gun control, does it change the way...
  5. G

    Raise a toast to The Firing Line

    I just want to say how impressed I am with how this site is run. I cruise several forum sites at night, at work, when I have nothing to do. In particular I frequent The Firearms Forum in addition to this one. And the difference between TFF and TFL is blatantly apparent. The Firearms Forum...
  6. G

    Rethinking my tactics

    As I've mentioned in previous threads and posts, I deliver pizza. No no, don't applaud. I know I have facilitated many a party that was in dire need of munchies. And as I have mentioned, I carry my Glock 31 in my car when I'm on the clock. And if all the other usual justifications for doing so...
  7. G

    Bad wolf ammo?

    Could someone tell me why it is that when I shoot federal ammunition in my Bushmaster Varminter, I have no problems. Nor with most any other brand of .223. But when I use Wolf ammo, I have failure to extracts from chamber (i.e. casing gets pinched in the bolt), failure to feeds, or most...
  8. G

    Glock model numbers

    What is the significance, if any, of the numbering Glock uses on it's different models? Was there ever a Glock 01, or was the 21 the first model? Where all the previous numbers failed prototypes or did they just pull numbers at random and apply them to new models?:cool:
  9. G


    Has anyone ever thought about maybe making sections for senior members, mid-level members, and new members that are accessible by having a certain number of posts or something. It's just that it seems every night I log-on, I see a bunch of new threads that are really just different versions of...
  10. G

    From the love of firearms

    Has anyone out there, from your love of firearms, found love in another person, or in life in general?:cool:
  11. G

    Shielding your kids, or endangering them?

    I read this article on Keep and bear
  12. G

    Personal exp. on anti-self defensers

    We're all very versed on the issues today regarding the second and this country's continued spiral to disarmament. It's a common discussion among many of the threads in this forum. What I want to hear is your personal experiences as far as everyday encounters with people belittling you...
  13. G

    Close thread option.

    I was wondering if it's possible to add a function for people to lock threads they started themselves for whatever reason they deem necessary. And if it's not possible, why not? I have a few threads that just don't make anymore progress and instead of posting some meaningless icon to "bump" them...
  14. G

    Katrina tragedy, detrimental or beneficial to the 2nd?

    To start off, i'm not making light of the tragedy that occured in the southeast last year. So don't noone get their bandoliers in a twist. Though certainly justifiable, it seems to me that the old arguments of, what if i'm mugged, what if someone breaks in, what if this, what if that, are...
  15. G

    The part of a hero.

    I was delivering pizza the other night, and as I have mentioned in previous threads, I always carry something in my car while working. It was fairly busy and I was heading out of the store with three orders to deliver. I turned a corner a few blocks from the store and passed by what looked like...
  16. G

    Indiana Jones

    I'm not sure which movie it is, but in the scene where the nazi plane is circling around to attack Indie and his dad, he pulls out his revolver, opens it from the top it seemed, and the cylinder was empty. Then his dad brings the plane down with a flock of seagulls. What revolver is this that...
  17. G

    Different Taurus .38special shorties?

    I have a Taurus .38 special snub noze five shot revolver. My model has a hammer, six ports on the top of the barrel, and a blue (not stainless steel call it blue even though it looks silver) but a damn near purple blue finish. It says Titanium Ti on the side and is very light so I am assuming...
  18. G

    The old west.

    As I understand it, most old west style single action revolvers, (like 1860's models), have a load gate for loading and unloading. The only kind of revolvers that use a chamber that swings down to the side, (the kind that accomodate speed loaders), are the more modern dirty harry kinds. I have...
  19. G

    Which states outlaw open carry?

    I searched through some of the previous threads but didn't find a clear cut answer. I'm thinking of getting into trucking if I don't succeed in the law enforcement field. And provided I find a company that doesn't mind me carrying while on the job, I want to know what states if any that I might...
  20. G

    It's that time again

    Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's that time again. I'm going over and over in my mind again and again my current finances. "Can I, should I, how soon would I be able to." Are a few of the questions I ask myself. I worry about it being grabbed up. I worry about not being able to make the money...