Search results

  1. K

    Did Cho Commit Felony by Purchasing Firearm?

    It would seem to me, that someone who had a detention order placed on him, so that he could be evaluated, should have been required to answer YES to question 12F on the 4473. You know there is already a call for more laws, when the laws we already have didn't weed out this guy. If his mental...
  2. K

    Items needed in Iraq

    A Major over in Iraq has a request for some items that people on here might be able to help with. He said in an email to me just now, that he's had a dozen offers for the mag-lites. I just got 5 pairs of ASP handcuffs drop shipped to him. If anyone can help out that would be great. His email...
  3. K

    IL - ISRA Garand Raffle

    If you hadn't heard, the Illinois State Rifle Association is having a fundraising raffle for an M1 Garand from Springfield Armory. With the introduction of HB 2414, they are going to have an uphill battle this year protecting their rights, and will need all the resources they can get...
  4. K

    Basic Handgun Course - Indianapolis

    This past Saturday I attended a basic firearms course at the range I have membership to (Popguns in Indianapolis). Class was taught by an Indiana certified LE firearms instructor. I would recommend the course to anyone just getting started with handguns, or who doesn't shoot as well as the gun...
  5. K

    Wife made me proud

    She came home the other night royally peeved. The company she works for just got around to making an employee manual. It has a section on firearms in the workplace, totally prohibited with immeadiate dismissal. It also says that the parking garage is covered by this policy. The parking...
  6. K

    Taurus 85 question

    I'm going to be checking out an 85 on Monday. The owner says that it has Brazil mispelled as Brasil, and then an additional stamp that says Brazil. Anyone know if these are worth more than any other average 85?
  7. K

    Current US Troop Deployments

    Anyone know if there's a web site that lists the current US troop deployments, at least all the public ones?? Otherwise I'll be doing a lot of research in the news archives... thanks in advance...
  8. K

    Democratic Party message

    I know there are some Democrats on here, so please try not to be offended by this post. I think the party leaders are seriously disconnected from the party members. Democratic Party Message.... The Democratic Party wants to "change the world." The Democratic Party wants to tell YOU how to...
  9. K

    Trunk Gun

    Does anyone (besides LEOs) carry a rifle as a trunk gun? Is it legal, here in Indiana specifically? And how would you secure the weapon? Thinking of throwing a shotgun or Mini-14 in a secure case in the trunk. Was also thinking of putting a gun lock on it as well. Thoughts, and comments...
  10. K

    Need Lawyer in Danville, IL

    Just found out from my wife that my father in law has been arrested in IL and being held in county lockup in Danville, IL. Don't have many details but I suspect it involves him carrying his revolver into IL. Need a good 2nd Amendment lawyer or any gun friendly lawyer that might be able to...
  11. K

    Gun Chicks are so Cool

    Were can I find me one... :D Oh, wait, I'm married. Guess I'll have to try harder with the one I got.
  12. K

    Kitchen Bioweapons

    Well, I know several people mentioning in the past that it was realtively easy to make a bioweapon. Looks like some researchers not only agree, but have proved the theory... :eek:,2933,57473,00.html
  13. K

    NRA Board - Any Volunteers?

    Noticed in the latest issue of the NRA magazine that they are accepting nominations for the Board of Directors. I was thinking we might be able to get a petition going to try and get a TFL member on the board. Any volunteers? I will if no one else is interested. 'Course I have no idea what...
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    Pledge Update - Breaking News
  15. K

    Pakistani "Smallpox" update
  16. K

    Tangos in Paradise

    Why do I get a sick feeling when I think, if they caught this guy, who did they miss... and when I see this... Restock that pantry, ASAP...
  17. K

    Theater Firearms - need help (IN)

    The theater group my wife is associated with is putting on a production in a few weeks. They need a small revolver, preferably nickel plated looking, that can fire. The other option, which I do not endorse, is using blank ammunition in a real revolver that I own. I've found a few sources...