Search results

  1. G

    Remington R1

    OK. Remington has apparently announced that they are now fulfilling replacement deliveries of those who sent their original R1s in for repair. Has anyone of you who bought one of these, then sent it back in, gotten notification of return, or, better yet, an actual replacement? Inquiring minds...
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    Ruger MP9

    Is it me, or does the Ruger MP9 bear more than a passing resemblance to a MAC?
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    Time to sell

    I'm thinking about selling a couple of my NFA items, and I would like opinions on the best websites to use, i.e., Gunbroker, etc., etc.
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    Is there an alternate website that can be used for posting pix on TFL? It seems that Photobucket now wants you to have a Facebook account, which I prefer not to have.
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    New M45 Colt

    OK. Anyone out there have experience with the new Colt M45? Pros? Cons? Gripes?
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    Parts for SUIT Trilux L1A1 scope

    Anybody know where I can get the cover insert and snap ring for the tritium vial chamber on a Trilux?
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    Gold Rush .22 cal Pepperbox

    Anybody know what the frames are made of on the .22 cal. "Gold Rush" Pepperboxes?
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    Western Field 33a

    Does anyone know what the "ejector" looks like on a Western field 33a .22 pump rifle, which was a house brand of a Noble 235. Numrich has a schematic, but it is so poorly done that only the larger parts can barely be recognized. (Looks like an early CAD drawing from the late 80s that was...
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    New Remington .380

    MY LGS has two new Remington .380s. My question is: Does anyone know if the frames are aluminum or diecast Zamak? BTW: They have horrible trigger pulls.
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    Winchester 62 and 62A

    Could some of you Winchester experts please explain the difference between a Winchester Model 62 and 62A pump .22?
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    SBR status

    What is the status of a pre 1899 cartridge rifle with a barrel shorter than 16"? Does ATF still consider them NFA weapons or have they been removed from NFA status? Or do they have to exempted by special request, such as some of the Winchester Trappers?
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    NRA Director Grover Norquist

    I received an email from SAF about "A Grave Injustice" being perpetrated against NRA Director Grover Norquist. Can anyone fill me in on what's going on with this? I can't see any benefit from infighting within the NRA at this point in time.
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    .400 CorBon.

    Hope this doesn't get shot down as a drive by, but, for anyone that's interested in a 1911 .400 CorBon, there's a barrel listed on eBay right now. Here's the link and auction #...
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    A question from the "silencer" sticky

    Unless things have changed WA state allows one to own a silencer, but you can't use it within the state. Gotta cross over to OR or ID to shoot your toy. As the poster pointed out, you can legally own a silencer in Washington State, but you have to go to OR or ID to use it. Now, my question...
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    Early Glocks

    Since the FTE Gen 4 thread was locked, and no one could answer my question, I will ask again in a new thread: Not a big fan of Glocks, but what (if anything) was wrong with Gen 1 Glocks? In other words, has each "gen" corrected some previous problem?
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    An odd question about rifle receivers.

    This came up in a discussion the other day, and I am curious about the correct answer: If a person purchased an unbarreled rifle receiver from the factory as was the case a number of years ago, would it be legal to manufacture that receiver as a pistol. My contention was that, if you can do it...
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    Colt: Are they or aren't they?

    Any "breaking news" on the replica Colt .32/.380 auto pistols as to when OR if they are going to be produced and sold?
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    Winchester/Miroku 1873 .38/.357

    What is the general consensus as to the suitability of the new Winchester 1873s made by Miroku for standard .357 rounds as purchased in your average gun store. (Winchester, Remington, etc. 125gr hollow points for example.) Obviously, the Miroku made guns are considerably stronger than an...
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    Any R51 updates?

    Is there any late breaking news about the R51s? Or is Remington just hoping that all the owners will just dry up and blow away?
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    Caracal pistols

    Has anyone seen any evidence of a rebound from Caracal? Looks like they just disappeared from the face of the earth after the Model C debacle.