Search results

  1. G

    hypothetical short barrel shotgun

    as a hypothetical question: Say someone has cut down a shotgun barrel to where it is no longer legal under NFA. What happens when that person passes away? Is there a legal option to surrender something like that?
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    The legacy of our firearms

    Recently, my wife and I went through the process of estate planning. During the process, I asked my wife what she thought would become of my gun/reloading collection because neither of my 2 children show any interest. My Grandson has been away as a paratrooper in the 82nd airborne and received...
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    Carrying while bikepacking

    I'm preparing for a long bicycle trip where I will be carrying all of my gear on my bicycle. I'll be passing through a couple of urban areas so I will want to have a firearms accessible. Cycling clothing, especially in summer heat, is pretty minimalist so I don't see how I can carry on-body...
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    Grouping at 6 o'clock

    Due to the recent madness I had to take a hiatus from shooting due to the general lack of components or ammo. I recently got back into shooting and I think I'm mostly through the flinch phase. I'm shooting a Springfield 9mm XDM and to get back into form I've just been shooting at a 25yd NRA...
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    Taurus TX 22 compact

    A week or so ago I took my wife to basic handgun course I asked the instructor to help her pick out a rental gun for the range portion of the class (that was the first time she had ever fired a gun). He had her use a Taurus TX 22 and she told me she liked it. I'd always thought of Taurus as...
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    Range USA 'Basic Handgun' class review

    If you aren't familiar with Range USA it is a chain of ranges/gun shops. They have about 45 locations now. I finally convinced my wife to get some training in firearms. She had never fired a gun before this class. I am not a good teacher, and trying to teach her just leads to arguments, so I...
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    Training barrel?

    JohnSka posted a link to an article at Cornered cat that mentioned a concept of dry firing with an inert training barrel. linked article: The link the article provided for the training barrel...
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    Wet tumbling with pins in cases with spent primers

    I've seen a few mentions in here of people first wet tumbling fired brass before decapping so that they aren't handling dirty cases. So, I gave it a whirl and seriously regretted that decision. I'm dealing with multiple instances of .223 cases with pins wedged in the case beyond the reach of...
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    Primer seated upside down

    First time I've done it. How to safely deal with it?
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    Digital powder scale

    I had a Frankfort Arsenal digital scale (DS-750 model, I think) that I used for some years, but I took a hiatus from reloading a few years ago due to the covid related shortages that hit everywhere and the lack of components. Now that things are finally beginning to start becoming available...
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    Weird guns being used in Ukraine

    I recently saw a blog post about a youtube video with a guy reviewing footage ostensibly coming out of the Ukraine conflict commenting on the weapons in use. I thought it was interesting how a war being fought in conditions of relative scarcity for both sides is also probably the most...
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    Inline Fabrications

    44amp put me onto this guy when offering advice on a press and I seriously don't know how I've lived my reloading life without knowing about this!! I received his quickmount setup today (flush mount with the spacer) and I installed it with my Lee turret press...
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    Help in setting up a Dillon Progressive

    First off, thanks for all the input and great info I've gotten from a couple of previous threads asking about dies and recommendations on a progressive press. I have read through all the replies and I appreciate the time taken to answer. I will be ordering a Dillon XL750 with the casefeeder...
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    Vietnam era US small arms ammo query

    I was chatting with my Vietnam war veteran brother today and he mentioned that 'some ammo was sealed'. He elaborated that they were told to check their ammo and look for the seal ring around the primer to know if their ammo was waterproof. I was under the impression that ALL small arms GI...
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    30 carbine load?

    This is a longer term project, since it seems no one is making 30 carbine brass. If someone has a pet 30 carbine load that you rely on, please share! I can at least try to get my hands on some powder while I wait for brass to show up.
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    I'm looking into upgrading my press into a progressive, and I got a lot of great feedback in another thread about that. Now I want to ask about dies. I've typically used LEE carbide dies for my pistol loading, which is pretty much exclusively what I load. However, a couple of years ago I...
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    Looking for recommendations on progressive press

    I am breaking my enforced shooting sabbatical because I finally paid too much for 5k SPP. I reload mostly 9mm using a 4-die LEE turret press, but I think I want to take the step to a progressive. I also load 5.56 and occassionally .45ACP. I know you can go crazy with automated systems.. I'm...
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    Indoor shooting range with a liquor license?

    An indoor range not too far from me has gotten themselves a liquor license. I really don't see how this will end well. They may well be able to manage, but I think employees are going to be put in...
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    Cincinnati area LGS raided by ATF Any insight here as to why the ATF would do what appears to be a full swat style armed raid on a LGS? I've never heard of that happening before. [edit] Here is their website: Seems like all they sell are...
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    Davis gun

    I ran across this oddity from WW1 today but I'm not finding very much about how it works. They apparently mounted them in nose turrets... better...