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  1. D

    Chain Fire Video

    Here is a video of a chain fire, with an 1860 Army. I just wanted to share it in case anyone is like me and wondering what happens in the event. Just another reason of me getting ready to spend 150 bucks on some new nipples.
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    One brand nipple for all my revolvers?

    Ok, I'm going to beat a dead horse here. I want to fit all my revolvers with one brand of nipple, so I can just have ONE brand / size of good fitting caps. And so I can cap using the capper instead of having to pinch some caps a little. RWS 1075 fit the stock Pietta nipples really good, they...
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    Killing Lincoln, Derringer Penetration

    I watched the Documentary Killing Lincoln last night. I was in awe of the penetration they proclaimed. The depth the ball from the derringer penetrated into Lincolns skull was impressive. I would have never thought it would be as effective with such a little powder charge. Although JWB was at no...
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    I DO NOT, like the new style LEE Molds!

    These new molds are retarded! Lee should have left well enough alone! First of all, I prepped the mold as per LEE's instructions. I even took it one step further and put graphite on the top of the mold to try to keep the sprue plate from galling the top of the mold blocks. Well after only about...
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    Cap Guards

    I drove out to my favorite Ma and Pa's Grocery/Gun shop this morning. I found these little do dads laying is a box of misc. what nots. So I grabbed them. I'm sure they are for a side lock rifle, but they seem to work pretty good on the Revolver nipples as well. I will try them out and see what...
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    Happy Valentines Day!

    Now take out your favorite, blued steel Lady, adorned with Walnut and Brass, and Show her how much you appreciate her! :D Thats what ole Slayer will be doing this Beautiful Merchant Holiday! SMOKE 'EM
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    Cimarron's Original Finish

    Anyone have one with Cimarron's Original finish? Just wondering how it holds up? Does it take more effort to keep Mr. Rust down? Please post pics if you have one. I don't see on their website a pic of a Navy with the finish on it.
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    Converting trigger on pocket Remington

    Since we are on the movie gun subject. I was wondering what would it take and where to source the parts. To turn this: Into THIS: I like this little pocket Remmie, but I don't like the idea of that spur trigger. Just kicking it around.
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    Cimmarons Conversions

    A young fella here in my unit was asking me some questions about Cimmarons Conversion pistols. I couldn't answer them, but I told him I KNEW where I could get the answers he wanted. He wants to buy the "man with no name" conversion. which is a '51 Navy with factory conversion to shoot 38 S&W...
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    Use a press and save some lead!

    We all know lead is a precious commodity, so use a press and save your shaved ring. Every ball you press in, the shaved ring moves up onto the jag and they collect there nice and neat. :) Who knows in a couple hundred shots you just MAY be able to cast one more round ball. :D HEY! Its ONE MORE...
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    .303 Brit Black Powder Load?

    Hey ya'll I hope everyones Monday has been as good as possible. Well I got the thinking (yeah I know....uh oh...:rolleyes:) Anyway the .303 British was originally a B.P. Cartridge. SO, I got this old lyman Ammo Maker kit from 1959. It has a mold for a 205gr. boolit and .313" diameter. I'm...
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    The Cracker Barrel Gun

    Am I the only one that goes in Cracker Barrels and stands at the fireplace trying to figure out what the gun is hanging there? :D My local Cracker Barrel has an old side by side percussion Shotgun. I can't see the maker but it looks old. I get some odd looks standing there looking at them, but...
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    1895 Nagant holster?

    Has anyone found anything that will work other than that ridiculous looking thing that the pistol comes with? I'm thinking I may want to carry this thing around the farm will working. I usually carry my cap and ball revolver. But I may want to change it up. Also, is it safe to carry these...
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    Lil Cricket?

    Hey Guys, I'm thinking of buying my daughter the pink Cricket. Or the "2 foot rifle" as she calls it. I've been telling her since she was 3 (she is 6 now) that one day I would get her a 2 foot rifle to learn to shoot. So thats what she calls it now.:D Its past time for her to learn, and I don't...
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    Anyone besides me leary of a Basic Lee Loader?

    I have had one of these for quite a long time. And I load .303 British hunting rounds with it. Because of the neck size only feature. That and I can reload them anywhere. I just CRINGE every time I have to pound the bullet into a primed and charged case. Nothing has ever happened other than I...
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    Birchwood Casey Bore Scrubber a C&R Collectors BEST Friend

    Hey Guys, Just wanted to highly recommend Birchwood Casey's Bore Scrubber "GEL". This stuff is nothing but a can full of AWESOME. I've used it on MN's, and today on this NASTY No. 5's bore. The gunk in that poor guns barrel was horrible, at first I though the rifling was gone, but the lands...
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    ? on Dynamit Nobel

    I ventured out into the country yesterday to a mom and pops Grocery, I was told about. Its in the middle of nowhere. Basically an old large gas station with a FULL BLOWN Gun Shop :eek:. I felt like I stepped back in time 50 years. No one there but the husband and wife. Just awesome! Have I told...
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    What have I stumbled upon?

    I got this OLD Lyman kit with a Jungle Carbine I bought today. I've never seen one of these, but it looks old and its all there. The instructions are there so I just may give it a whirl. This is a kit to cast the bullet, size it and load the case. I haven't read the instructions yet. See the...
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    Wooo Hooo, I'm getting that Jungle Carbine!

    Listed the Paratrooper last night and meeting the fella TODAY!! So I'm turning that Chi Com into a very nice Enfield No. 5 Mk1 Jungle Carbine. I'm a happy man right now :D. Don't know how these things shoot, but I'll find out. I've heard all about the whole wandering zero thing. But I'll see...
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    How I check timing

    I just wanted to throw this on here, maybe it will help someone. When I get a new revolver, or any new to me revolver. I'll take a wad and shove it all the way to the bottom of the chambers with a wooden dowel. The wad is light colored and reflects light so you can see it. Then at the business...