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    Whadda ya know! Glocks do rust...well, sorta.

    Interesting story. Be interesting to see how other makes fared under the same conditions. "A Fisherman Found A GLOCK 17 On The Ocean Floor That Had Been There For 6 Months And It Functioned Perfectly"...
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    Shooting without sights

    Just curious how many do this in their regular routine. I do, and think its an important part of your skill set, but Ive heard some derogatory comments when Ive brought it up in the past too. Always figured the answer there was "no". Woof woof, negative waves, baby! :) Just got this video by...
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    For you WWII 1911 fans

    I just came across this surfing around. Wonder how the boy carrying it made out? Colt 1911 that survived the Seige of Bastogne WWII
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    Wonder what his final grade was? :)

    I'd have liked to see the teachers comments on this. :)
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    Burgess Folding Shotgun

    Came across this reading Ayoob's American Handgunner column. Interesting write up on the death of Pat Garrett, of Billy the Kid fame, in the latest issue. Apparently, he was in possession of one at the time of his death. In all these years of floating in and around the gun world, and seeing all...
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    Waiting in line at the bank

    Interesting video of a robbery gone wrong (for the robber). The robber certainly had some balls and wasnt bashful about trying to rob the guy right there amoungst all those people. Turns out the boy being robbed, was an undercover cop. The cop sets him up well. I wonder if the girl ever...
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    Pretty good video on the 21' rule

    For those who dont understand the 21' rule, this gives a pretty good demonstration....
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    P1/P38 vs year old Frog Lube

    Just got back from the range with my old P1. Its a fun blaster, and I dont really get out with it all that much, and I realize now, I need to do it more often. Last I remember shooting it, was about a year ago. I was still using Frog Lube then, and thats what it was last cleaned with. Its been...
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    Did a boneheaded thing this afternoon....

    Was out blasting with my Glock 42 and one of my AR's this afternoon, and scrounged my brass afterwards as usual. Pistol brass goes into the empty coffee can it came in. I had four 42 mags with me, left one in the gun and threw the other three in the coffee can with the brass and went home. Got...
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    Wyeth's "Gunfight"

    Looks like he might make it in under the "rule of threes" here too. ;) #1 is out of it, and being used as cover, #2 looks to be going down, and might could even have hit #3 in the leg(or not), from the looks of the smoke coming from his barrel. #3 might have a chance and looks determined, but...
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    Dont bring a gun to a knife fight.....

    Looks like the Tueller drill come to life, 4 armed cops down in about 30 seconds. Seems to have happened in Nicaragua a few years back, so the sound track is in Spanish. Gist of it seems to be domestic. Knife comes out at around 4:00, real action starts around 7:00...
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    Shooting and Fighting Aren't The Same...

    Good read by Steve Collins here over at the Suarez blog. It pokes strongly at points many seem to miss, or seem to not want to get into. I know Suarez can be a touchy topic to some, but I think his philosophy on things is spot on...
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    Lost my front night sight......

    Well..... I was somewhat bored this afternoon, so I grabbed my one Glock 19's and figured I play a little. Was mostly doing some point shooting, and moving around a bit while I was shooting, when I happen to notice theres nothing out there on top of the slide. ***over! Well, I figure oh well...
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    Views down the sights of historical military firearms

    For as much as people complain about the sights on an AK....... :) Pretty cool site. Ive seen the view down quite a few of them. Just click the pic to enlarge.
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    Care to see what 70000 rounds on a Glock looks like?

    Well, actually a bit over 69,900, but close enough. :) Over the past four and a half years or so, its had about 300 rounds a week through it, sometimes more. In that time, Ive replaced the RSA once or twice a year, and I did replace the extractor once, actually twice, but Im pretty sure now...
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    Adventures with Marlin.....Marlin 336 Youth

    Ive been walking past a Marlin 336 Youth for the past four or five months, feeling it up, and debating on whether or not to buy one. I love little short rifles with a short LOP, and it was right up my alley in that respect. Id heard of the newer Marlins having issues, and saw a couple with AK...
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    Heres a puzzle

    I had a weird malfunction of sorts today at the range with one of my 17's. The gun does have a LWD threaded barrel with a suppressor on it, but thats never been a issue before. What happened was, the slide locked back on an empty mag, nothing unusual there, but when I dumped the empty mag, and...
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    A little bit of everything, all in one.....

    If you dont get American Handgunner, there is a digital edition here..... Starts at page 32. This issue, Massad Ayoob has another after action report in his "Ayoob Files". It covers a shoot out between a cop and a...
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    Anyone carry their Glock with the chamber loaded and the trigger uncocked?

    I dont do this, but I was wondering if anyone did. I know it can be done, just not sure if it can be done safely, especially with the trigger dropped. Still trying to figure out if, with the trigger in this position, is the firing pin safety disabled. Other than that, and maybe the initial...
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    Paint and Hogue Overmolded stocks

    Has anyone painted or seen a Hogue Overmolded stock that was painted. If so, hows it holding up. I just picked up a rifle that has one, and it seems a little rubbery, and might not be very paint friendly.