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    January Rangemaster Newsletter

    The January issue of our monthly newsletter is here: Lynn and I wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!
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    December Rangemaster Newsletter

    The December issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted at This has been a busy and rewarding year. I’d like to thank all our colleagues and patrons, and Lynn and I wish you all a very merry holiday...
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    November Rangemaster Newsletter

    The November issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted. There is a lot of useful information here.
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    October Rangemaster Newsletter

    The October issue of our monthly newsletter is available here: There is a lot of good information there.
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    September Rangemaster Newsletter

    The September edition of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter is available. See
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    August Rangemaster Newsletter

    The August edition of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter is available. See
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    July Rangemaster Newsletter

    The July issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted at
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    June Rangemaster Newsletter

    I decided to go ahead and post the June newsletter. I thought more of you might be able to shoot the Drill of the Month over the long weekend.
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    May Rangemaster Newsletter

    The May edition of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted here.
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    April Rangemaster Newsletter

    The April edition of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted at
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    March Rangemaster Newsletter

    The March edition of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted at
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    February Rangemaster Newsletter

    The February issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter is here:
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    January Rangemaster Newsletter

    The January issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter is available here: Lynn and I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
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    Defensive Shotgun Instructor Development Course

    We have a Defensive Shotgun Instructor Development Course coming up on Jan 27-29, 2023, at the fabulous facilities of Royal Range in Nashville. This is a state of the art indoor complex with a modern classroom and multiple well lighted, well ventilated indoor ranges. There are very few places...
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    December Rangemaster Newsletter

    The December issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter is now available at Lynn and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!
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    November Rangemaster Newsletter

    The November issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted at We hope you find the information useful.
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    October Rangemaster Newsletter

    The October edition of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter is available here
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    September Rangemaster Newsletter

    The September issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted. See
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    August Rangemaster Newsletter

    The August edition of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted. Click on Lots of good info here.
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    July Rangemaster Newsletter

    The July issue of Rangemaster’s monthly newsletter has been posted. As always, there is the Drill of the Month plus lots of good information.