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  1. G

    Petition to impeach RBG

    If you think Justice Ginsburg violated the code of conduct for judges and should be impeached, please sign this petition. Thanks, Griz:
  2. G

    Massachusetts, ammo components?

    Recently I stumbled on a story where a 10 year old boy in Winchendon, Massachusetts was suspended from school. His crime? On Memorial Day he accepted a fired case that came from the Honor Guard salute, and then took it to school. From this I learned (this is incredible to me so please correct...
  3. G

    gun show door prize

    I went to a gun show last weekend and when I went by the table where you filled out the forms for the door prizes, it made me wonder if there was really a drawing at all. I know the main purpose is to get addresses for mailing out notifications, and that's fine with me. But even though I've...
  4. G

    When did you realize you were .... different?

    Not like the others, even different than other hunters or shooters who were not as "in to" the sport. Not looking for an out of the gun closet/safe story, just when you came to the realization that you were much more serious about shooting than lots of folks around you. For me it happened...
  5. G

    Bad features for a defensive handgun

    I’ve seen several posts on what people want in a serious defense handgun. Now tell me what features would positively STOP you from buying a gun. Not necessarily a carry gun, but one you would rely on for self defense. My show stoppers are: 1. Magazine disconnect safety. I don’t want the gun...
  6. G

    Signs for robbers,0,702293.story From the story: SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- To reduce crime, banks in the area are trying to unmask robbers before they come in. Officials of several financial institutions in the Springfield area, seeking to stem a rise in robberies...
  7. G

    Jury nullification in South Dakota

    This story is from the Libertarian website: It sounds like a good idea, to let the defendants argue to the jury that the law is unreasonable instead of arguing guilt. Although the article doesn’t mention it, the genesis of this is a marijuana...
  8. G

    value of 32 Long Colt ammo.

    Found a box of old rounds labeled 32 Long Colt. They are lead bullets, Winchester brand, in an old cardboard sleeve type box. When I mentioned them to a friend, he said he knew somebody who had a gun chambered for that caliber and he would want to buy them. So my question is do these rounds...
  9. G

    Question for bullet casters.

    Which bullet lube smokes the least but still prevents leading? I am shooting store bought bullets in my 45 and on an indoor range it gets cloudy fast. I'm hoping to cast my on and I'm looking for less smoke. Thanks, griz
  10. G

    No more knives?

    Is EVERYBODY afraid of everything now? Last weekend I went to an airshow at Langley AFB. They had signs that said no back packs, no knives, etc. and they checked purses and camera bags at the gate. I wasn’t too surprised; it is after all a military base. Now this weekend I’m going to go to the...
  11. G

    If Mike Irwin ran S & W?

    The poll that asked about who should be running the company got me to thinking. If Mike WAS given free reign at Smith & Wesson, what would be the first things he would do? (Of course this is after he marched to the nearest courthouse and made the agreement null and void.) My guess is he would...
  12. G

    Wolf in Glocks?

    In my local gun store recently I saw a hand lettered sign that said: Do not use Wolf brand ammunition in Glock handguns. Anybody have an idea why? I know lead is supposed to be bad for them but I thought the Wolf stuff had a conventional jacket. If the answer is Wolf ammo is low quality...
  13. G

    Question on 21 gun salute

    At the beginning of the NASCAR race just now, they had a 21-gun salute in honor of Memorial Day. Is there a particular reason for them using M-14s instead of 16s? Please do not take this as complaining in any way, the entire presentation was one of the more inspiring things I’ve seen. I’m just...
  14. G

    Hypothetical gun control poll

    Another of those "if you could only have X number of guns what would they be" thread got me to thinking. If a benevolent dictator decided to limit the number of guns individuals own to what you NEED, how many would that be? For example, if you shoot high power you could keep one rifle, not a...
  15. G

    Alexander Henry forearm?

    I've seen this type of forearm on Ruger Number 1's for a long time and just lately it occured to me I don't know anything about them. So two questions: 1. Does the notch in the forearm serve a purpose other than decoration? 2. Who was / is Alexander Henry?
  16. G

    Who is the 2nd best firearms designer?

    Why the second best? Because John Browning has to win any fair contest for best, enduring designs, different types of weapons, prolific, etc. With that stipulation, who is the next best? I am voting for Paul Mauser. 100 years after the 98, it's still hard to come up with changes to the design...
  17. G

    Why are 410 slugs so light?

    I’ve never posted in the shotgun section before but stumbled across this puzzler, at least it puzzles me. Why do they load 410 slugs with a projectile that weighs a mere 0.2 ounces? I see they give it more velocity (1875 FPS) but if they had duplicated the heavy 3 inch shot load of .7 ounce...
  18. G

    Lies, whoppers or tall tales

    OK, I’m looking for the biggest fib, exaggeration or fabrication you have heard of. I’ll start and since I feel drift coming on, this one IS firearms related. My friend and I made up some conversation pieces by necking up a 223 case and seating a 45 ACP bullet. They looked funny and in the...
  19. G

    Are we at war?

    Did Congress actually declare war? I ask this because as I understand it, there are different laws in effect when the nation is at war. With that in mind, would it be possible to prosecute the Congress critters who ran to the media after their classified briefings. If at war, that sounds like...
  20. G

    Do people really believe they are safer?

    Do people really believe that giving up their nail clippers will eliminate the threat of hijackings? It seems clear to me that with all these "weapons" being accidentally smuggled aboard that the security measures taken are only something to make the passengers FEEL safer, but I tend to see...