Search results

  1. R

    Of the following models, what is the most accurate .22 rifle?

    I'm looking to purchase a .22 rifle, but I want one that has great accuracy without paying big bucks. I've narrowed it down to several choices. Have you seen the add for the Remington Model 597 on the back cover of the June issue of the American Rifleman? It said that the Remington Model 597...
  2. R

    The real agenda behind the "Bush Knew" news.

    The real agenda behind the accusations that President Bush had advanced warnings about the September 11 attacks and did nothing, is to set up a law suit against the Federal Government. The Lawyers who are representing a few of the families of 9-11 victoms in New York are looking for deeper...
  3. R

    Which firearm manufacturer has the best warranty?

    I wish I could have added more, but as you know, I'm limited to ten choices.
  4. R

    I refinished my son's .410

    I refinished my son's .410 this week, ending my labor today. I refinished the stock and reblued the steel. It looks pretty good now. It is a very old single-shot shotgun that a friend gave to me to give to my son. It was rusty and the stock was in very bad shape. Now the stock looks...
  5. R

    What website can I run SN of firearm?

    Does anybody know of a website that I can run the serial number of a firearm to check an see if it has been reported stolen? I remember back in July or August of 2001 on the Ruger Forum that someone posted such a website but I lost the URL. I searched the archives to no avail. So know such a...
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    Just bought a Glock 30

    I just bought a Glock 30. I had a Taurus PT140 on layaway but I broke down and took it off layaway and got the Glock instead. Oh course it cost a bit more, but I think its worth it. I'm planning to use it as my carry gun. Does anybody have any suggestions regarding a holster. I'm pressently...
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    Just put a Taurus PT140 on layaway

    I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I just put a stainless Taurus PT140 Millennium on layaway on Friday. :) I can't wait to finish paying for it! Who out there has a PT140 and what do you think of it? What kind of ammunition do you use in it? I had two fellers tell me that theirs...
  8. R

    Bin Laden is Afgan Commander-in-Chief

    I just read that Bin Laden was actually appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Talibans' armed forces. If this attack is linked to Bin Laden, then the Tabiban, the ruling party in Afganistan, is party to the attacks here. If that's the case, then I say we send them ALL to God!
  9. R

    Winchester Model 9410

    I read about the Winchester Model 9410. What a shotgun! 9+1 shell capacity! Good for hunting or home defense. And it shoots slugs too. Does anyone around here own one, and are they readily available yet? Do they come with plugs for dove hunting? If I was limited to only one gun for the...
  10. R

    Proper disposal of deer parts.

    This might seem like a mountain out of a molehill, but we love to take time to hunt, and when it comes time to getting rid of our mess, we can find ourselves unprepared, or often take the quick and easy route. I've been guilty of this myself before. One evening, several years ago, I killed a...
  11. R

    Has Kel Tec stopped making the p40?

    I didn't see a P40 listed as a product on the Kel Tec web site. Do they no longer make them?
  12. R

    This is not the time to hunt for monster bucks in Alabama

    Trophy hunters in Alabama need to wake up. There are so many young does coming into heat this year that there are not enough good bucks around to breed with all of them. Instead, they are breeding with the less desirable bucks, who would overwise not get many chances to breed. Perhaps this...
  13. R

    Taurus PT-140

    Does anybody have any experience with the Taurus PT-140? What are your opinions about it. Is it safe to use +P ammo, such as the Cor-Bon 135gr. JHP?