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    ATF To Join NYPD In Fighting NYC Gun Crimes

    CBS2 Exclusive: ATF To Join NYPD In Fighting New York City Gun Crimes From the article: (Emphasis mine.) A pretty bold statement from an agency that released hundreds of firearms into the hands of people expected to traffic...
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    Abramski v U.S. Supreme Court Decision

    Here is the Supreme Court decision in the straw purchase case of Abramski v US. They hold that he violated the law in a 5-4 split (Kagan, Kennedy, Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor in the majority, Scalia, Roberts, Thomas and Alito...
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    Kansas Firearm Distributor Charged in Glock Scandal Note that because this is an FBI press release, there is no copyright. This is illegal because it is stealing from Glock. "Blue label" Glocks...
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    NBC New York is Shocked to Learn Effect of SAFE Act

    NBC New York "I-Team" discovers that "assault" rifles, after a few cosmetic changes to comply with the state's SAFE Act, look "almost entirely the same as those that were banned."...
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    DC Court of Appeals Upholds ATF Long Gun Reporting Requirement

    The DC Court of Appeals today upheld the AFT requirement that FFLs in states bordering Mexico report multiple sales of certain long guns. In brief summary, it found that the end justifies the means and accepted ATF's word on it that the "end" was a good and effective thing. Copy of the...
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    Update on Colt v. Bushmaster Trademark Case

    I wrote an article, "Snake Bit: The Prancing Pony Takes Two Bites From The Snake" that appeared in the August 2006 S.W.A.T.. The article describes the battle initiated by Colt Defense against Bushmaster involving a patent and trademark/trade dress claims and how Bushmaster had tactically (and...