Search results

  1. E

    RAND Corporation gun policy study

    The RAND Corporation has published the results of a two-year, million-dollar meta-analysis of thousands of studies of the effects of gun policies. It found only 63 studies that showed causal relationships between policies and outcomes; the strongest effect was that gun storage requirements...
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    Olympic upset

    A 19-year-old American, Ginny Thrasher, has won the gold medal in the 10 m. air rifle competition. She's only been shooting for five years. Nice.
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    The New "Where is everything?" thread (3.0) -- guns, ammo, primers, powder, etc...

    This thread is a continuation of the previous "Quarterly "Where is Everything ..." thread." It's time to renew it, so the thread doesn't become impossibly long and unwieldy. These threads will be renewed now and then until the need for them no longer exists. The previous thread is still here...
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    Can anyone identify this shotgun?

    This is a family photo taken in the late '30s, and I'm curious about what it is. Nothing fancy, I expect -- money was tight back then.
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    Zimmerman Trial: Read Before Posting

    The trial of George Zimmerman for the shooting of Trayvon Martin has begun. We appreciate that there is a great deal of interest in this case, as its outcome may very well have lasting repercussions on self defense laws. Because it's a sensitive case, and because the facts are very much in...
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    Gun violence panel releases report

    In January, President Obama asked the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council to assemble a panel to make recommendations for research into the causes of gun violence and ways to prevent it. That panel has just released its report. The four-page summary is available here, and...
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    Movie biz leaving New York?

    According to this article in today's New York Times, movie and TV companies may quit filming in New York, which would mean the loss of one of the state's biggest industries. It seems that the SAFE act makes it impossible for film studios to use their full range of prop guns in New York. The...
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    Two programs on PBS tonight

    Starting at 9:00 EST -- A program called "After Newtown: Guns in America," followed by a new episode of Frontline called "Raising Adam Lanza." Should be interesting.... (I typed "Frontlie" at first -- Freudian slip?) ---- Edited to add: There are two more in the same vein starting at 9:00 EST...
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    A warning for 'dillo hunters

    According to a study just published in the New England Journal of Medicine, reported in this story in the New York Times, armadillos can transmit leprosy to humans. The group of people most at risk are those who hunt and eat them... It's thought that around a third of leprosy cases in the U.S...
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    No more quick edit?

    When I click the "Edit" button at the bottom of my posts, it now takes me directly to the separate, "advanced" editing page, instead of opening a text box on the same page. For those of us who are a bit OCD about spelling and grammar, that "instant edit" feature was nice. I miss it. I know...
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    Now, THIS is overpenetration...

    A Pennsylvania man has been charged with reckless endangerment, and various other things, after "accidentally" firing a two-pound cannonball through his neighbor's house. There are a few details in this story from AP. Unfortunately, it doesn't say how he achieved this feat, so it's not clear...
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    The science of situational awareness?

    This article has some interesting information on what factors contribute to "situational awareness," loosely defined as the ability to perceive threats. Some unsurprising findings, such as that training helps, and stress and anxiety hurt... but it seems there are big individual differences in...
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    Kids 'n' guns show last night

    Did anyone else see this, and were you as annoyed by it as I was? It showed, basically, two families, one very large one and one just a dad and his kid. The emphasis of the show (which was British) seemed to be more on "kids with machine guns" than on anything most people here would regard as...
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    Invective creep?

    I'm noticing that more and more name-calling, etc, is making its way into (mostly) L & CR, along with what seems to me to be political ranting. See, for example, (post has been deleted -- Mike Irwin). Now, I do sometimes report posts, but I don't wanna come off as a snitch, so I'm asking for...
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    Answer to the moderators' prayers?

    The Stupidfilter... No, really, I'm not making this up. According to their website, it works like this: They also note: The beta version is out now, and can be downloaded from their site. They also have a nifty demo page where you can enter text samples and see how their software rates...
  16. E

    Valve ear plugs as HD accessory?

    Has anyone used these lately? I'm looking at, for instance, the Peltor Combat Arms Earplugs -- I'm thinking they'd be an excellent accessory, in the nightstand, for the bedroom shotgun. I've seen discussions here of using the electronic muffs for this, but I like the idea of something that...