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  1. R

    Kimber Custom Target I

    I got to the range yesterday with the Kimber Custom Target I and I put three magazines through it. The ammo was commercially made 230gr FMJ reloads that I trust. The range was 25 yards and I experienced no malfunctions; this pistol is a joy to shoot and the plain black sights are very good. I...
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    What Did Richard Do?

    I traded my Nickle S&W Model 29-2 even for a Kimber Classic Stainless Target. My new Kimber looks very similar to the one in this photo. Why did I trade my M29-2? The answer is simple; if I shoot a lot of 44 Mag full loads I want it to be in my Ruger Super BlackHawk as it soaks up the recoil...
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    I now have two sets of Herrett 1911 grips. I put one set on my Springer GI but my wife said they didn't look right. I took the Herrett's and put them on one of my DWs and the grips from the DW and used them on the Springer. I like the results; what do you think? Regards, Richard :) This: To...
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    SAM vs Other 1911s

    Does anyone have any experience with the current crop of Shooters Arms Mfg. (SAM) 1911 pistols? I saw a very favorable write up on one in Gun World. I am wondering how the SAM does as opposed to other entry level 1911s? Before anyone asks, I do not know when my "1911 Jones" will end! Regards...
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    MilSpec and Custom 9mm 1911

    I took the Springer MilSpec and the Custom Colt 9mm 1911 to the range today. I put 50 rounds through the MilSpec and bobbing the hammer worked. I wonder why more do not bob the hammer rather than putting money into extended grip safeties and new hammers? My only observation is that my RIA is a...
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    Return of my 9mm Colt 1911

    My Custom Colt 9mm is back and I hope to try it this weekend. Marianne Carniak of the Accurixer Gunshop took some pictures and I hope they are better than the ones I tried. See what you think. Regards, Richard :) Before: After: The Gold Dot front sight:
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    The Wait is Almost Over!

    I took my 9mm custom Colt to my lady gunsmith in December and it is just about done. Marianne Carniak, of the Accurizer Gunshop, could not do some of the work, so the slide went to Alex Hamilton at Ten Ring Precision and then to Virgil Tripp for hard chroming. Marianne called to say she is...
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    ...what is the least expensive pistol/revolver?

    Of the currently available handguns, what is the least expensive pistol/revolver you would trust to get you through the night? In my case four handguns come to mind. They are the RIA 1911, a used Star BM, CZ82, and a used K-frame S&W Model 10, 15,13, or 66. What's your flavor? Regards, Richard:D
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    I would like to see...

    I would like to see an honest comparison between the FNP-45, DA/SA, Glock 21, Para-Ordnance PXT LDA Light Rail, Springfield Armory XD 45acp, and Smith & Wesson M&P45. What do you think, who would be the winner in a defense contract? Regards, Richard :D FNP-45, DA/SA: Glock 21: Para-...
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    I shot three of my 1911 pistols at an indoor range, the distance was 10 yards. The three handguns were my 9mm custom Colt 1911, my, new to me, Springfield Mil Spec (Springer), and my RIA. Springfield Mil Spec: RIA: I am not sure if my custom Colt 1911 9mm is camera shy or Amish but I don't...
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    What is the best combat handgun in use today?

    A poster on another board wrote: "It's a Glock 22... the finest combat handgun currently on the face of the earth.... I wouldn't expect anything less..." What is the best combat handgun in use today? By this, I mean what is the most accurate, reliable, and economical handgun to arm a large...
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    Springfield EMP and Dan Wessons

    I was at the range yesterday and I rented a Springfield (Springer) EMP 9mm. The fit and finish on this pistol are great but it feels heavy in my hand. I put 50 rounds of 115gr FMJ through it and it was flawless; recoil is snappy for a 9mm and that surprised me. The thing that was unusual was...
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    Life Sucks!

    This retirement thing is the pits, long days with nothing to fill my time except shooting. It is a hard life but someone has to do it. I spent an hour at the range with a friend of 20 years named Lynn. Lynn works a swing shift and he is often available to shoot during the day. All of our...
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    Springer XD, Glock 17, Kahr K9 and High Power

    I went shooting with 1911 MagMonger (Larry) today and I truly enjoyed myself. Larry is a member of the 1911 Board and he brought his brand new 9mm Springfield XD and I showed up with my Glock 17, stainless Kahr K9, and FN/FM high Power. For those that do not know this FN/FM high Power is known...
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    CZ82 and Holster

    This is the CZ82 I purchased from AIM for $200. It came with a neat holster, two magazines, and a cleaning rod. My CZ82 has chipping but the interior is like new. This is a great house/camping/car gun; I prefer a bunch of 9x18 rounds to five 38 Specials in a snub. Regards, Richard :D
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    1911 Grips by Hakan

    My friend, Hakan, made these grips from Cocobolo Wood that I sent to him last November. I failed to post pictures due my health problems; my health issues are now history. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do. Regards, Richard :D My Colt Gold Cup:
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    Do You Need The Lowered And Flared Ejection Port?

    This topic results from the string Rinco 1911 prob on the and the following response: "Does your Norinco allready have the lowered and flared ejection port?" My response is my Ballester-Molina, a pistol that is very similar to a 1911, works great without a lowered and flared...
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    What do you think?

    I looked at CanadianGunNutz and saw one of these mentioned. They look like a great pistol for the money $525-600 on GunsAmerica. Why bother upgrading an RIA or Springer GI? Regards, Richard ;D Here is a writeup by Duane Thomas: "STI’s aptly named Spartan I 911 is intended to give shooters...
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    At Long last!

    I finally got to the range on Sunday. I went with 44SpecialDave and his 25-year-old son, Nathan. Nathan is new to handguns and he is in the learning stage. I did get to teach Nathan to use a Modified Weaver Stance and to push out with his dominant hand and to pull back with his supporting hand...
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    Is It Just Me?

    I read a post on another board exalting the the CZ75 PCR and here is my response: "Is it just me? I own and I am happy with either the CZ 75D PCR or Glock 19. I see these pistols as equals and I see no advantage to either; both of mine are equally reliable, about the same size, and easily...