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  1. M

    Awhile ago there was a discussion

    on Custer and the Indians that fought him. Some scoffed at the idea a human could fire multiple arrows in less than a minute, well here is proof it can be done. Watch it and maybe...
  2. M

    Fed law and state law

    In many states a person can get a permit to purchase handguns, in my state this is what is used instead of a call to nics, will this still be the norm? Or will all gun sales have to be called in? I would think the permit or ccw would supercede the call but am not sure after these new laws will...
  3. M

    Without truth we got nothing.

    Bloomberg article reads "Internet guns need no background check" I did send them an email explaining the true procedure, FFL sends copy of ffl to person or ffl gun was bought from, gun is sent...
  4. M

    Someone is pulling my leg?

    A co worker here told me the National Guard is doing drills on town evacs then going into the homes and removing any and all guns. I cant find any proof of this anywhere, he also belives the m16 round tumbles in flight sooooo. is an AF retired guy says he shot once a year to qualify in the AF on...
  5. M

    Got a date with this one

    As the season approaches I been keeping my eyes on 3 flocks right by my place. Here is a pic I took this morning. I got within 20 yards before he saw me as I lifted up and snapped 3 pics.
  6. M

    Is this scenario a straw man?

    We have a joint account, I go to a gun show after taking out some cash, buy a gun, give it to my wife. She contribures to the account as I do. She has no permit to purchase, I have a carry permit so I can buy here. or do I need to use my own money exclusivly on any gun purchase?
  7. M

    Heres the new hunting partner

    She is one year old now, running her in puppy next saturday AKC field trials. She comes from good stock, mom is a dual champ dad is 2009 NAGDC and a whole lotta other titles. He had a litter go to South Africa where them pups are kicking rear end in them trials over there...
  8. M

    The laws are different in many states

    Here is an example, He was found not guilty but still lost everything. I belive we all need to fight to change these and make others aware of this predicament so others do not fall...
  9. M

    Had an idea.

    I was reading that in some places they have no pigs or in the case of one country only one and it is in a zoo. Sooo why not live trap all them wild ones and ship em over to them places so they can enjoy a succulent hog roast every now and then....... I might just go and open a rib shack there.....
  10. M

    Winchester 97s at auction

    Here in Iowa, for a list of all guns being sold in case someone in interested. Looks like a huge collection with one machine gun for sale too. Anyone know what a 1100 special is?
  11. M

    Deer hunting

    can be risky business. Seems a guy was shot dead in Nebraska by his hunting buddy on opening day. Was in orange so how could he have not noticed that? Be carefull out there, be sure of the target and what is behind it before you shoot. Heck I might be standing there looking at all natures...
  12. M

    lunch time treat

    Went to Bills Bar B Que for lunch, its on 24th and Ames in Omaha a rough area. I get the 4 orders (folks love that stuff) and place the bags in the passenger seat. Walk around the front of the truck and a young guy dressed kinda wierd in very heavy coats and such. He says to me. "First off I...
  13. M

    A shooting right in front of you

    My co worker witnessed this event: spoke to the cops gave descriptions etc. Shooter was shooting at a guy on a moped right in front of his vehicle. How would you react?What tactic would you use in this...
  14. M

    Another gun in need of a holster? or just old age? Seems a 72 year old man was walking to the store, his gun falls to the ground and discharges hitting him in the leg. He was a permit holder too. Should gun retention be something added to the classes for concealed carry?
  15. M

    Some thoughts on SD tactics

    I was talking to my cousin last night, his trial is now over and the guy shot him twice with a 357 is going to the pen for 72 years. Original story there. He said the guy shot him was trying to get him to call someone but didnt know the numbers...
  16. M

    I knew he was a slime ball today I found out I was right. Shot his wife, I worked with this guy at one time. Lost all respect after he took the receptionist home at lunch then bragged about it. While this young gal he married was at work. She was a nice person...
  17. M

    The new purchase

    I got a Colt New Agent in 45, cost was 800 new at the gun show in Pott county.
  18. M

    Small 1911s, for carry

    I see Kimber has some, Springfield has some, but what are the folks carry them saying about them? I like the alum frame short barrel and the kimbers are about the same price wise as the springers. How do they hold up? The CDP looks real nice, as does the small operators. Any other makes I...
  19. M

    All these here hog threads got me hungry

    So I went down to Bills Bar B Que on 24th and Ames and had a slab yesturday and a 1/2 slab today.... Going to cook up a case of featherbones Sunday. I really need to go shoot something but it is Nebraska hunting this weekend on turkeys and I am not shooting. Just helping out :) We have a...
  20. M

    So cute to see them pullets

    all grown. Turkeys are on the run here. Been watching a group of several broods gathered together each morning. 2 weeks ago they were like chicken size, now they are as big as their mommys but not as heavy yet. I got a couple toms picked out, they leave the roost, move to teh feed area, then the...