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  1. C

    tips on hog hunting needed.

    i'll be using a s&w .44 mag. its a very large area of high land(several square miles) in the swamp in louisiana. whats the easiest way to kill hogs? can i bait an area? with what? or do i just walk around? i never deer hunted much, only squirrel, rabbit, duck.
  2. C

    in your opinion what the most accurate bolt .22 rifle out of the box?

    marlin, cz? how much more accurate are these than stock ruger 10/22(thats what i have)?
  3. C

    the taurus .44 mag revolvers good?

    accuracy? durability?
  4. C

    who is very familiar with the sks rifles?

    i have a couple but never shot them much. a friend wants to know if they are reliable and how accurate they are? given the shooter is good, are they accurate enough to hit man/deer size targets at 200 yards? 300 yards?
  5. C

    Recommend some good ww2 museums.

    i live in louisiana and have been to the one in new orleans, its alright but i want to see lots of ww2 guns, tanks, anything ww2 related. i rather stay within a couple states of louisiana but post links to any real good ones.
  6. C

    im thinking of getting a mosin-nagant 91/30. any advice?

    the 91/30 is the long sniper model right? is this the only sniper model? what else should i know? the 91/30 is the one used in enemy at the gates? how much should i expect to pay for one? im not looking for the pretty ones, just accurate ones. is wolf/russian ammo good enough or should i look...
  7. C

    lets say im at wal mart and some crazy person.....

    whips out a gun and yells at the service desk "give me all the money!" im standing nearby, i have a ccw and a kel tec pf-9 in my pocket with 7 rounds of powerball +p 9mm. best thing to do is lay low out of his site but get my pf-9 out of my pocket at the ready? if i lay low he may kill...
  8. C

    anyone know if i can travel from louisiana to florida with a handgun?

    if i have a ccw can i? if so, can i travel with the handgun fully loaded? i ask cause i heard things about the gun must be unloaded and locked. well whats the point in that? a machete or bat would be better at that point.
  9. C

    do you keep your magizines fully loaded forever?

    i have a few ruger p89 9mm mags fully loaded from the early 90s. i have some ak47 mags with 38 rounds in a 40 round mag since 1999. i keep my 870 shotguns fully loaded for years, same with my 10/22 30 round mags. they all work fine but will they eventually start to fail? i just bought a new...
  10. C

    should i buy police surplus federal 9mm +p+ ammo? thats really cheap ^^^ the federal +p+ has the best "stopping power"
  11. C

    i need videos for reloading. i have a few basic questions. im thinking about getting that to start with. i'll be loading 9mm. i have no idea how that case trimmer works. is it even necessary to trim 9mm brass? how many times can i reload 9mm brass? till it cracks? also the lube that comes with the kit...
  12. C

    rate poweRball 9mm ammo. i need some sd ammo for my beretta 92f. i like the soft point round nose of the poweRball and the chart shows that it delivers good energy but do they penetrate gel 12"+? it seems many shooters don't like this round, why? did it fail test?
  13. C

    beretta bobcat .22 handgun reliable?

    im a proud owner of a beretta 92f 9mm and love it. i want a small pocket .22 semi auto and im looking at the bobcat. price is right ^^^ but do they jam a lot like most semi auto .22 guns? the bobcat...
  14. C

    SAIGA .223 any good? good price but are they dependable like an ak47? would the .223 version be far more accurate than my 7.62x39 ak47(i can hit paper plates at 100 yards). how does this compare with the kel-tec .223 rifles?
  15. C

    post your favorite youtube gun videos.

    not limited to youtube though. im bored.
  16. C

    found a bunch of lead but pure lead is too soft?

    i dont think i'll go through the trouble and expense of adding tin to the lead. whats wrong with casting pure lead in 9mm and loading the rounds mildly? i would be shooting this in a beretta and ruger 9mm. or can i just make buckshot with pure lead? would that work alright in a shotgun? if so...
  17. C

    cci aluminum case 9mm ammo harmful to guns? i have a ruger p89 and beretta 92f. im thinking of buying a couple thousand rounds if the price really is $5/50 rounds. could they damage the extractors?
  18. C

    why everyone loves glock handguns so much?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i never shot one, maybe thats why i ask huh. my cousin is in law enforcement and talks about glock like its a god except he says he has seen limp wrist. i don't really think much of his opinion cause the only guns...
  19. C

    20 parts lead to 1 part tin?***&utm_source=leadalloy&utm_medium=bulletcastingcat is this required for casting 9mm bullets? i have some lead i found but have no idea if it has tin. what the purpose of the 1 part tin? will i harm my barrel...
  20. C

    casting bullets for the ak47?

    i have ton of lead weights from shrimp trawls and diver weights. im wondering if i can cast lead 7.62 bullets for the ak47. is it alright to shoot pure lead bullets in a rifle?(no copper).