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  1. P

    Op Ed By Retired Dip-lomat

    Freighting :eek:
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    Does Anyone Here Shop At Orscheln Farm & Home Stores?

    Does Anyone Here Shop At Orscheln UPDATE WE WON Since passage of CCW in Kansas quite a few businesses are putting up the 'No Legal CCW' signs. I buy dog food and other farm related items at Orscheln. They put up a sign. Some types of businesses are bound to put these signs up, but Orcheln...
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    Don't Try This At Home

    I have been playing with my camera and my guns. The first photo is shot with a Sub Sonic Remington .22 LR round, The second shot is called "creamed peas" and is shot with a Kimber Ultra CDP II with 230 gr Federal Hydra Shok ammo. I am trying to decide what to shoot next...any suggestions?
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    Bought My First 17HMR Today

    I bought a Savage 93R17 w/o the Acutrigger...I saved $100 by buying the non-acu model. My first polymer stock rifle. My 75 year old father-in-law's birthday is tomorrow. He has been hunting prairie dogs every Sunday for 30 years. He has 4 towns on separate pieces of property he owns and he...
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    Anyone Else Dislike The S&W Airweight Original Finish

    I have always thought my M638 looked like a toy gun because of the epoxy? finish on the frame. I decided to attempt to remedy the ugliness. Before Pimptastic Does anyone else think the original finish on the newer S&W is fugly?
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    I Received My New Holster

    I received my new Bulman Gunleather holster and mag/light pouch this week. This is the most secure/comfortable IWB holster I have ever owned. I carried it 3 days this week all day. The workmanship is outstanding. The gun is a Kimber Ultra CDP, the light is a Pelican. The Recollection of...
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    Alito Breaks Tie, Kan. Death Penalty Stays

    Alito Breaks Tie, Kan. Death Penalty Stays This is a great victory for the will of Kansans over activist judges desire to over rule the will of the people. If SCOTUS had upheld the lower ruling these animals sentence would have been commuted to life.
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    Coulter's Book Chapter 1

    I have read 2 threads on L&P about Coulter's new book mostly written by members who have not and will never actually read the book. Here is a link to chapter 1. Maybe the discourse on this thread will at least target opinion based on content in context rather than speculation. Godless: The...
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    What Causes A Delay When Buying A Firearm

    I am just curious. Every time I buy a gun there is a 2 minute delay. I have been told my approval required a supervisor to get the go ahead. I have always walked out of the gun shop with my purchase. I have had an FBI and Treasury Dept. background check and security clearance in my past as well...
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    I Took My 29-2 To The Range

    My first outing with my "new to me" 6" 29-2 was a little disappointing. I had a few failure to fire. The pin was hitting the center of the primer and the rounds always discharged on the 2nd try. Also, one cylinder the brass bound up so tight I had to use a small screw driver through the cylinder...
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    High Speed Firearms Photography

    I just found this page of outstanding bullet stop-action photography.
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    Kansas Convert

    I have been working with a 50 year old who has not been an active anti gun guy, just didn't have any desire to touch, shoot, or own guns. About a month ago I asked him if he wanted to go to the range with me. He reluctantly accepted. When we arrived at the indoor range I asked the owner if I...
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    SWAT issues 1&2

    I just happened across this listing on GB for back issues (1982-1989). This isn't my listing just thought someone here may want to complete a collection. If this is inappropriate feel free to delete this thread.
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    Question About Ballistics

    I am a novice when it comes to bullet weights, fps, velocity, etc. My question is what is the benefit of using hollow point +P rounds over fmj ammo? Today I shot my .38 into a stack of license plates. I used Winchester White Box 125 gr JHP +P and American Eagle 130 gr FMJ not +P. The JHP +P...
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    Internal Locking Systems

    I have read several threads with complaints about Smith & Wesson's internal lock a.k.a. "Hillary Hole". I have not seen any threads complaining about Springfield Armory's I.L.S. What do you Springfield fans think about I.L.S.? Is this an optional feature? I.L.S.
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    Is S.W.A.T. Magazine...

    Is S.W.A.T. Magazine geared toward LEO community or is it good for anyone? I am often accused by those who I deal with professionally and LEOs who don't know me of being LEO wannabe (I am a P.I./process server). Nothing could be further from the truth, I considered LE when I was in my 20's and...
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    Which Is A Better Investment, Colt or S&W

    I have decided I want a .44. I know there are a lot of threads on TFL about Colt vs. S&W, the pros and cons of each brand. I have decided I will like either. It has come down to which will appreciate in value more, a Colt Anaconda 6" or a S&W M29 P&R 6". I considered a snub and have decided...
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    I Received My Ahrends Cocobolos Today

    Here they are...
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    How Much Increase in Handgun Sales..

    immediately after passage of a shall law? As I'm sure everyone here is aware Kansas recently passed CC. In other states which enacted a cc law have there been dramatic increases in handgun sales? Is there a source for the stats? Thanks.
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    SxS Suggestions?

    I want to buy a nice sxs this spring. I have looked at the Red Label, Weatherby, Browning and some others. I like to shoot some rocks occasionally and would not be hunting with it. I am interested in quality/fit and finish over bling. I tend to like the English grip over the pistol. I would like...