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  1. M

    NRA...the good and not so good, lately

    Over the last week I've watched/listened to several interviews of David Keene, on a number of news outlets. He does a good job of hitting his points, sounding calm, thoughtful, etc. Nice work. On the other hand, this new video ad that starts off with Obama's is so tone deaf as to...
  2. M

    Reviews of Charter Arms .357?

    My son is thinking about buying a Charter Arms .357, 4" barrel. I know nothing about them, so thought I'd ask around. Anyone have any thoughts, experience, criticisms, praise, etc.? And if the reaction is in the negative, any thoughts about what else he should look at in that price
  3. M

    Another shooting spree

    And here we go again:,2933,517918,00.html
  4. M

    Seeking .38 Special / .357 recommendation

    I'm just starting my research/shopping for a .38SP or .357 (which would of course shoot the .38). This is purely for fun -- targets, perhaps taking into the woods, etc. -- as I've enjoyed shooting my friend's, who has an older Smith & Wesson (Model 19). I'm looking for a double action with...
  5. M

    Palm swells?

    So I was out at the range this morning, and a guy was showing me his rifles, including a Weatherby (newish, I think) that featured a palm swell. This was new to me, and (naturally, I suppose) felt strange. I didn't shoot the rifle, but spent some time trying to get that swell comfortable in my...
  6. M

    The Democratic Convention made me proud for our country

    It was fabulous to see Obama nominated by the Democrats last night. I am proud that my country -- no matter the fits and starts and difficulties -- has made this kind of progress on the racial front during my lifetime. Nowhere else in the world would this happen. No other country in the...
  7. M

    Seeking recommendation: best book about the hunting life?

    I have a nice little shelf of good books on the topic of -- or at least centered around -- fishing. Some are novels, some are non-fiction, some are collections of essays. I thought I'd ask for recommendations for books centered around hunting. I emphatically don't mean "how to" books on...
  8. M

    Help sought for a daydream...

    So, while walking the dog, I had this idea. I was looking at this rather recently built, pole-barn/metal building. Big and long. So, naturally (!) I began to think, wouldn't it be fun to build one of those and put an indoor pistol range inside it. I live in a place where you can get land...
  9. M

    .41 magnum ammunition?

    A friend just acquired a Taurus .41 magnum. He was wondering if it was possible to find relatively inexpensive ammunition for target shooting. I told him I'd put the question in front of the brain trust here. Any information/suggestions would be appreciated.
  10. M

    Seeking shooting advice

    I started this thread elsewhere, but it may be appropriate here: While I work on this myself, I thought I'd see if anyone here had any thoughts/tips. I just bought a Beretta PX4, 9mm, so I'm starting to get used to it. I've noticed this problem (with me, of course, not the gun): my first shot...
  11. M

    Shooting advice sought

    While I work on this myself, I thought I'd see if anyone here had any thoughts/tips. I just bought a Beretta PX4, 9mm, so I'm starting to get used to it. I've noticed this problem (with me, of course, not the gun): my first shot (at whatever distance, 25 ft, 50 ft, 25 yards, so far) is...
  12. M

    Another possible stupid question about .357 magnum

    Let's get this out of the way: I'm seriously deficient in my knowledge of revolvers. That said, I'm sitting here looking at a S&W Model 19-4 .357 magnum. I have read, and heard, that it is fine to shoot .38 special ammo in this gun. Is this true? (The obvious point being that it will make...
  13. M

    Recommendations for handgun case?

    I'm looking for a sturdy, lockable case that will hold two handguns. It would be nice if it met TSA standards (or whatever they're called) if I need to travel by air. Does anyone have any brands/models they would particularly recommend?