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  1. T

    AR Pistol Question

    There was an incident at my granddaughter's school yesterday. A person was seen walking towards the school with an AR type pistol. (Media referred to it as a rifle, but pictures indicate otherwise.) There was an impressive LE response, the school was locked down, the guy apprehended, and the...
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    Taurus model 80

    I have a Taurus model 80 revolver that I inherited from my dad a few years back. I have been told that it is a copy of a S&W model 10, but I have been meaning to ask: How exact of a copy is it? This particular pistol was purchased during the time when S&W and Taurus shared ownership. Is it...
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    New regulation about taking foreign nationals to gun range?

    I ran across a new regulation this weekend. I have mentioned here before that I have a young friend my daughter's age who is a native of Belgium and now lives in Germany. She has visited for extended periods, and my wife and I have become quite fond of her. On her first visit, she accepted...
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    Example of restraint

    The story in the attached post is local to me. A woman was in a pharmacy when an armed robbery occurred. She was armed, but refrained from taking a shot. At different times in the narrative, she says that she had a clear shot, and that she did not fire because of the consequences of a miss...
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    Odd brass turned out to be .38 Short Colt

    The title says it. While loading some 9 mm this evening, I ran across a piece of rimmed brass of the same length. Head stamp was RP 38 SC. I confess that I had to google it to learn that it was .38 Short Colt. I know only what I found online, but according to Wikipedia it was created to...
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    Road rage incident with a twist

    An interesting situation is developing in a small town in Florida. A man named Dennis Hicks got angry with another motorist at a light, and then challenged and threatened to shoot a different person in another car at the next light, named Timothy Sartori, apparently just for looking over at...
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    Wandering shipment

    This is not a big deal, but I thought it might amuse some of you: I bought a used pistol on GunBroker, and the seller shipped very promptly. The tracking showed the package making it to Orlando, just about 90 minutes away by car, on Friday, with an expected Monday delivery to my FFL. But on...
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    Newest reloader

    Just a quick story y'all might enjoy: My wife and I had a delightful house guest for a couple of weeks: a young lady who is a native of Belgium and now lives in Germany, who became close friends with one of my daughters when my daughter studied abroad for a semester. She visited once before...
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    Post removed, no notification

    I made a post in the "Did Cowboys Carry Pistols?" thread in the Revolver forum a few days back that was removed in very short order. I was expecting some sort of a warning due to its removal, but I had no idea what content was objectionable. The gist of my post was that, with some experience...
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    H&R top break

    I need to learn about H&R top break revolvers to help out a friend. He found one in a box of painting supplies while cleaning out the house of a deceased relative. It is marked with the company name, Worcester Mass USA, and four patents: Oct 4 1887, Aug 6 1889, April 2 1895, April 7 1896. It...
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    Response to an AP story

    There was an AP story in the my local paper today about a certain presidential candidate proposing additional gun control. I have no idea why, but the same distortions that we have all read far too many times irked me enough today to email the editor and challenge the factual basis of the...
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    Bounty Hunters

    There have been numerous reports in the media about team of "bounty hunters" that mistakenly raided the home of a chief of police while pursuing a drug offender who had jumped bail. The reports seem to indicate that the agents of the bail bondsman broke the door down to gain access, and is now...
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    Buying used brass

    I am new to reloading and recently purchased 500 pieces of once-fired .380 ACP brass from an online retailer. The seller states on the website that "every piece" they sell is usable, but without using any words like "guarantee" or "warranty." When it arrived, I immediately saw that there were...
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    Two new addicts

    My wife and I are now rolling our own, thanks in no small part to this fine group. I got interested in it and started reading manuals and this forum. We talked it over and started saving brass and accumulating a modest store of components as they were available. Our anniversary rolled around...
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    Which 1911-22?

    I have a close friend who is looking at the 1911-22s from Sig and Browning, for purposes of plinking and the occasional elimination of snakes, armadillos, and the like. His hands are quite large and he doesn't find the smaller 22LR pistols to be comfortable, but he has handled both of the named...
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    Calipers and gages

    Forgive me if these are dumb questions, but I am beyond new to reloading - I am just now researching the idea of starting to reload for handgun calibers. Are calipers and chamber gages redundant? I have a set of old vernier calipers in good condition. Should I plan on using them, replacing...
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    Spanish "Libia" .25 ACP

    While cleaning out the house of a deceased relative, my wife and I found a little .25 ACP pistol with slide markings "Fabrique D'Armes De'Guerre Grande Precision," and "Libia" and a patent number on a second line. The only thing resembling a serial number consists of three widely spaced digits...
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    Young Belgian first time with handguns

    I have two daughters in their twenties, and I have introduced young friends of theirs to shooting several times, but none was quite so pleasurable and satisfying as my experience this weekend. My oldest daughter studied in Europe for two semesters on her way to a degree in international...
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    New gun control compromise

    The TV network news is touting the new bipartisan compromise gun control bill that is going to be debated by the senate tomorrow. The news reports say that the bill eliminates the exemptions for background checks for gun shows and internet sales, but continues to allow face to face sales...
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    New carrier, new pistol

    My wife of 30 years was motivated by some recent events to start carrying. She is a moderately good shot and understands safety, having gone to the range with me a few times a year for these last few decades. She is going to do the paperwork for a permit and start carrying regularly, to my...