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  1. Z

    Help me research this little 4-barrel...

    Someone gave me a little four-barrel, rotating-hammer Italian pistol chambered for .22 Short/Long/LR. It's marked EIG [inside a cross-hair circle] on the plastic grips which are in really poor shape. It's obviously a cheap pistol with what appears to be a plated die-cast frame. Haven't fired it...
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    Two more Clinton Admin. crooks arrested...

    "Two former high-ranking Pentagon officials in the Clinton administration were arrested yesterday on charges of extortion, bribery, money-laundering and witness tampering in a suspected scheme involving the awarding of contracts to minority firms." -- Jerry Seper, Washington Times, 19 Oct 02...
  3. Z

    Can this fine shotgun be rescued?

    I have a beautiful Winchester Model 12/20 ga. bird gun that suffers from 'closet syndrome'. The previous owner stuck it in a closet twenty years ago and it has [actually, had] a nasty patch of rust on the circumference of the very top of the barrel...the direct result of finger contact when it...
  4. Z

    Glock recall?

    I rec'd a third-party e-mail that suggested that certain Glock pistols are being recalled for frame replacement [most of the E-prefix pistols and some of the late-D and early-F models]. Is this valid or just a nasty rumor? If valid, what is the nature of the frame failure that would...
  5. Z

    Is the AR definitely the DC killer's weapon?

    Seems to be the consensus. Given the gun-banners' pandering for "ballistic fingerprinting", has anyone mentioned that changing the AR's "signature" is as simple as swapping uppers?
  6. Z

    Is this another kill by the DC murderer?

    FoxNews is reporting that a woman has been shot in the head at a Home Depot in Falls Church, Virginia and is dead on the scene. One kill. <sigh>
  7. Z

    Breaking news -- UK to seize control in N. Ireland...

    BELFAST, Northern Ireland — Britain will strip power from local Catholic and Protestant politicians within hours and resume sole responsibility for running Northern Ireland, the British governor announced Monday. -- AP, Oct. 14, 2002,2933,65563,00.html We can...
  8. Z

    Did UBL's brother-in-law plan Bali bombing?

    Hidden underneath the supposed response by bin Laden [likely long dead] being trumpeted by al-Jazeera is the likelihood that Mohammed Khalifa, UBL's brother-in-law, masterminded the terrorist bombing in Bali, an island-country with overwhelmingly Hindu roots. Despite being warned by the US and...
  9. Z

    Massive voter fraud investigation...

    No, not in LA, NYC or South Dakota. "A large-scale federal and state investigation into voter registration fraud in six South Dakota counties is under way, state Attorney General Mark Barnett said Thursday." -- Denise Ross, Rapid City Journal, Oct. 11, 2002 I could give you a...
  10. Z

    High rate of gun ownership a surprise?

    From a poll conducted in Tennessee... "On another question, 63 percent of those surveyed said a firearm is present in their home and a similar 62 percent said that a member of their family was a hunter and/or fisherman. Gant said the percentage of homes with a gun was somewhat higher than he...
  11. Z

    Listening to Gun Talk today?

    Just tuned in to Gun Talk by clicking the 'Listen' link at: I use the KBNP feed as it is really stable. The show's on from 2:06-5:00 every Sunday afternoon; makes for good listening while cruising the TFL threads...
  12. Z

    Liberals or Control Freaks?

    "We delude ourselves that we will all be safe and happy if only we ban guns, reduce pesticide use, build no new power plants or dams, ban SUVs, fund more programs for the poor, treat women like men, and force airport screeners to search elderly ladies from Omaha instead of young men from the...
  13. Z

    Nelson Mandela chastizes US...

    The left's hero, Marxist and head of one of the most corrupt governments in the world's history, is complaining that our refusal to buckle to UN pressure is tantamount to inducing exactly the sort of anarchy exhibited in the RSA today. Excuse us if we don't choose to do it your way, Nelson...
  14. Z

    High-profile crimes in London...

    "Burglars have raided the London home of pregnant Icelandic singer Bjork, the same weekend as Liz Hurley and Joan Collins criticised crime levels in the capital. Thieves broke into Bjork's luxury flat in Maida Vale, west London, on Friday night and are thought to have stolen valuable recording...
  15. Z

    Isn't the silence strange?

    Why no outrage, feigned or otherwise, for the proposal of Sen. Bob Graham [D-FL], chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, to institute a domestic intelligence force to spy on American citizens? Where's the ACLU? Where are the Dubya-bashers? Where are the "libertarians" and...
  16. Z

    Anyone tried the new Taurus ammo?

    Taurus' president, Bob Morrison, was on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk this past Sunday afternoon and one of the subjects was Taurus' new ammo using their HEX hollow-point pure copper slug. Has anyone used it yet? If so, range report requested!
  17. Z

    Bob Barr to be retired?

    Returns from Georgia's runoff [due to redistricting] in a staunchly Republican district suggest that Rep. Barr has lost his race to Rep. Linder. In the better-news department, Rep. Cynthia McKinney [arguably one of the stupidest members of Congress] is far behind her challenger in early...
  18. Z


    FoxNews is reporting: FALLSBURG, N.Y. — A bear killed an infant Monday afternoon as it tried to drag the girl into the woods, officials said. The baby, Ester Schwimmer of Brooklyn, was snatched out of her stroller by the bear at the bungalow colony, police said. Fallsburg is about 70 miles...
  19. Z

    Are new "old-model" S&W revolvers selling in your area?

    Have any of you noticed the well-observed phenomenon in my area of new S&W handguns languishing on the shelves? Especially vulnerable seem to be the not-quite-the-same clones of "classsic" models. They don't seem to be moving fast enough to suit the dealers...and wholesalers seem to be...
  20. Z

    Do you collect bayonets?

    Lots of us have interest in older military bolt rifles. How many of us collect the bayonets that fit those rifles? If you do, do you use a 'net source to ID them positively? A friend recently inherited some obviously older bayo's; I have a few myself...but looked at them as interesting blades...