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    I took apart a kel-tec p3at would have been a piece of cake EXCEPT I took out the sear, pin and spring how do you put that back in? bb
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    Very worn out Stevens Crack Shot

    I have a very worn out Stevens crack shot 22 rifle. Does any body have recommendations about who or where to send the barrel for relining? bb
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    mag light

    Recommendations for high tech extra bright bulb for 2 d cell mag light? bb
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    Cabot guns meteorite 1911

    I read an add and saw a picture of a 1911 type pistol made from a meteorite . At the price they are dreaming about it will never be fired but it's interesting to think about I assume they mean frame and slide when they are talking about it being made from the meteorite which would be iron I...
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    748 in a 222

    Anyone tried ww 748 and 40 gr hornadys in a 222???? bb
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    cant edit

    cant edit my about me section?
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    ejector mk 1 ruger

    Is the ejector in a ruger mk1 the same as the mark 11? bb Yes mark 1 & 11 pistol
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    Remington 66 and graphite?

    I am lucky enough to have a Remington 66 that is in very good condition its new to me and I would say it looks to have spent most of it's life as a closet queen. It doesn't function well acts like a gun that is dry and needs oil. They (who ever that is) say not to oil a Remington 66. So I took...
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    Mossy reasembly

    Is it just me or is the Mossberg pump hard to reassemble? Seems like I can almost through the rem 870 together but Mossy gives me fits getting it back together especially getting the trigger guard back up into position is it hard to do or am I not doing it right? bb
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    Browning Citori firing pin

    Is there a new firing pin available to solve the problem of the bottom firing pin sticking or seizing up in Citori shot guns bb
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    Last shot hold open Ruger mk1

    Is it possible and or practical to convert a mk1 Ruger to have the last shot hold open of the mk. 2 ? I saw a article where some one had made a notched mag follower it seemed to work but was sort of Rube Goldberg can you convert to a more or less factory type set up? I have to admit I have never...
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    Color case hardening faded

    Is there a poor boy method to add some color back to faded color hardening even if results are not perfect? bb
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    lee Collet Die

    Is any body using the lee collet die? (Hope I spelled right) I have one I have used for a long time. For a bolt rifle it seems to me to have a lot of advantages but I don't hear of any body using them I'm no sure if Lee even sells them any more. Case life is better and seems like it should...
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    rem 512 assembly help

    I need help on reassembly of a remington 512, I can't figure out how to get the thing to sequence right for lack of a better word. I am or I was pretty sure I have it assembled properly the thing has been apart for a long time I don't think it's missing anything I think I may not be timing the...
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    Scope Repair

    Gentlemen I have an old, 1970's or 60s era weaver 22 scope I believe it is a V22 6 something like that. It is a total safe queen, looks like new. So fast forward to now I decided to put it on a older 22 rifle and use it and it will not adjust point of impact up and down I looked on line and...
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    marlin 60

    in order to order repair parts how do you tell old model from new model marlin 60? bb
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    percieved recoil scoped vs unscoped?

    I have a light weight 308 rifle that for years was punishing to shoot. Better eye sight due to new glasses progressive lenses and a desire to shoot more traditionally got me to remove the scope and shoot iron sights. Now I know the gun is going to recoil harder with out the scope because it...
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    bluing services

    Does anyone have someone they could recommend for hot blueing only buy that I mean I disassemble and polish the parts and all the bluer does is degrease it and run it threw the tanks and return the parts to me to assemble my self.
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    extreme long range hunting shows?

    Has anyone noticed that on the extreme long range hunting shows on the tv the game animals they shoot always seem to just crumple up and drop dead in there tracks at the shot? I think some people call it DRT. When I shoot deer or wild hogs at much closer 50 to 200 yards max they almost always...
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    3/4 oz 20 gauge load

    Don't know if I should post here are in hand-loading section seems like it's all pistol and rifle so here it is I am looking for input on loading 3/4 oz 20gauge shells using aa wads and hulls and unique powder bb