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  1. T

    Please help me pick a deer rifle and caliber.

    I’m an experienced shooter but I’ve never hunted anything bigger than a rabbit. I’m looking to go deer hunting next season and I need some advice on what rifle to buy. Here are my preferred requirements for that rifle: -bolt action (semis aren’t legal for hunting here in PA) -a caliber good...
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    Form 1s for SBRs were just legalized in WA!

    For those of you who don't pay attention to Washington State gun laws, SBRs were illegal in this state for a few decades. Then in 2014 our governor signed a bill legalizing SBRs. The bill clearly allowed people to buy SBRs on a Form 4, but it was poorly written and seemed to indicate that it...
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    This is a pretty stupid pro-gun law...

    The NRA is celebrating a pro-gun bill that Indiana passed yesterday. It requires your chief law enforcement officer to sign off on your Form 1 or Form 4 within 15 days. But the CLEO sign off requirement for Form 1s and Form 4s goes away entirely 12 days after the bill goes into effect, and we've...
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    My first SBR!

    So I've already been into the NFA game for a while (I own a 590A1 AOW and 3 silencers, and I have a 4th silencer in NFA jail), but I've never owned an SBR. My state just legalized SBRs in 2014, but -- except for a brief window where the law was interpreted differently -- Form 1s for SBRs are...
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    1000-yard hunting with a .308

    The other day a young man came in to my LGS looking for a long-range semi-auto .308 rifle. He seemed to know a decent amount about the subject, and the salesperson started going over various options with him. But then it came to light that his specific purpose for the rifle was to hunt elk at...
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    SilencerCo Salvo: first impression and even a little range time.

    I work at an FFL/SOT and I recently got a chance to demo the new SilencerCo Salvo 12 ga. silencer. My first impression was, "Holy cow, this thing is huge!" Seriously, it's a lot bigger in person than I expected. Somehow I had the impression that it was just a little bigger than the .45 Osprey...
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    Brief review of the Walther CCP

    I got a brief chance to handle and shoot a Walther CCP yesterday, and I figured I'd share my impressions of it. The first thing I saw was that it required a tool to field-strip the gun, which seems like an annoying feature in a utilitarian carry gun. I know it's a different design than most...
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    WA residents: Tell all your friends to vote against Initiative 594

    To all TFLers in WA state: Make sure you vote against Initiative 594 on the upcoming ballot in November. And, more importantly, make sure you tell your friends to vote against it too, especially your friends who might normally support gun control. I think if we explain the actual provisions of...
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    A technical question about the history of the AK-47 in relation to the SKS...

    I’m reading The Gun by C. J. Chivers, a book about the history of automatic weaponry in war, and focusing on the historical impact of the AK-47. It’s an excellent book, but it (understandably) doesn’t go into many technical details; it’s obviously written for a general audience that might not...
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    SilencerCo's New Shotgun Silencer

    They've been hinting about this for a few days now (so it's not terribly surprising) but SilencerCo just introduced their Salvo 12, which is a modular shotgun silencer. On the outside, it looks like a big Osprey, but I'm very curious to know what the insides look like. It has to be a different...
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    Apex trigger kit for the M&P Shield

    I bought an M&P Shield 9mm a few months ago, and while I really like it, the factory trigger leaves something to be desired. The Shield comes with a better trigger than some of the earlier full-sized M&Ps, but it's still a little gritty with a relatively heavy break and a messy reset. So I...
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    I Need Help Identifying This 10/22 Barrel

    I bought this 10/22 barrel back in the late 90s. It's a lightweight 18" bull barrel made by Butler Creek. My question is this: I remember it being a sold as a carbon fiber wrapped barrel with a stainless steel liner, but it doesn't really look like carbon fiber. The outer sleeve almost looks...
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    Forget Carrying a Gun, My Wife Won't Even Carry Pepper Spray!

    Like many other husbands on this site, I would love for my wife to take an interest in carrying a handgun for protection. She has a passing interest in shooting and I've managed to teach her a little, but at the moment she has no interest in carrying a gun. OK, I can accept that; maybe she'll...
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    Christensen Arms: High-End Prices and Low-End Quality

    How in the world are these guys considered a high-end gun company? Sure, they use titanium and carbon fiber, but their build quality is terrible. Take their 1911s; they use some high-end materials and they're priced up there with semi-custom stuff from guys like Wilson Combat, but they also use...
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    What's Stopping You From Buying a Silencer?

    You see it all the time in other parts of these forums: "Help, I want to shoot on my own land, but it's bothering the neighbors!" There will be many different responses on how to deal with the situation, but very few people will suggest getting a suppressor, and those that do are mostly ignored...
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    The SWR Octane: Best Pistol Can on the Market?

    For those of you contemplating your first suppressor purchase, might I suggest my favorite pistol can on the market, the Octane? After deciding between the SWR Octane 9, the Silencerco Osprey 9, and the AAC Ti-Rant 9, I decided on the Octane. Here's why: -All three are pretty much the same as...
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    Common Silencer Myths Debunked

    Here are the most common silencer myths I hear on a regular basis: (1) Silencers are illegal. Silencers have always been legal in the US ever since they were invented in the early 1900s. However, in 1934 the National Firearms Act required silencers to be registered and levied a $200 tax on...
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    Stop Using Partisan Political Terms to Describe Anti-Gunners!

    Every time I see a pro-gun person use the word "liberal" to describe anti-gun people it drives me crazy. All they're doing is hurting our cause and pushing away potential allies. Please, stop using partisan terms like "liberal" to refer to anti-gun people! There are pro-gun people from all...
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    PLEASE Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger!

    I've worked at an LGS for about a year now. It's astounding to me the sheer number of people who put their finger on the trigger as soon as they pick up a gun. And too often they're doing it while telling me about all the other guns they own. Combined with the amazingly high number of loaded...
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    Using a pistol to fight to your rifle.

    I work retail at a gun shop that has a range that also runs classes. So an instructor asked me to help out with an advanced class, and it came time for the rifle/pistol barrier shooting drill. The idea was to start unarmed, shoot from one location, then move to another location to retrieve a...