Search results

  1. S

    Wiley Clapp GP100

    I love the concept of this revolver (and think it would have been perfect with a 3.5" barrel) and would like to pick one up (so I can add a 3.5" barrel). However I keep looking at the topstrap, specifically the part where they milled it out to fit the novak, and it just looks way thin. For...
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    Difference between winchester M70 featherweight and standard version

    Like the title says what the difference between a featherweight model 70 and a standard model 70, both pre 64? I've seen some articles that give differences in barrels, stocks and aluminum vs steel parts, but haven't seen a definitive list.
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    Tell me about the VZ58

    Since I'm behind the iron curtain fighting the good fight in california, I tend to, for personal reasons, bypass the AR's, AK's and most other semiauto detachable mag rifles. For me its always been like being handed the keys to the ferarri with it being locked in first gear. Fun bu no so much...
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    Question for marlin papoose owners

    Is their any wobble in your barrel either when its tightened down by hand or with the tool?
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    mossberg 500 bolt disassembly

    Anybody have any info on how to completly strip the bolt on a mossberg 500? There isn't anything in the manual (except telling me I'm not qualified to do it :rolleyes:) and the search didn't give me anything.
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    Scotus rules on child rape

    WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Wednesday outlawed executions of people convicted of raping a child. In a 5-4 vote, the court said the Louisiana law allowing the death penalty to be imposed in such cases violates the Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. "The death penalty is...
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    Pick my next rifle

    I was all settled on a LMT M4gery but had to go snooping around sig forum and find some great pics of 556's made out to be 551/552's. So now I'm torn. I don't have a carbine of the 16" variety, and currently don't have an AR (though have owned them in the past). The way I see it, the LMT...
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    Quickie easy question

    I know the springfield GI has a series 70 system but does the milspec as well? Couldn't find anything on springfields website to verify.
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    Do any of you know who Larry Sinclair is?

    Because apparently he was doing drugs and having sex with Obama as late as 1999. Of course then again he could be a kook looking for notoriety. However it appears he's passed a lie dector test. Anyone else heard of this?
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    Paul losing congressional race

    Ronnie, we hardly knew ye... Some may call it poetic justice, others may call it unfair, but Ron Paul is in the fight of his political life, but it’s not for the presidency. It’s to stay in Congress from his own district...
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    McCain at CPAC

    Watching it now, and aside from the usual pep rally stuff, one thing he said caught my ear. While listing off his "conservative" credentials, he stated that he consistently opposed waiting periods for guns as well as assault weapons bans. When saying "assault weapons" he used some air quotes...
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    Bren Ten revival

    Thanks God... I knew you were listening. "Tucson, AZ - Feb 01, 2008 - Vltor Weapon Systems today announced the launch of the Fortis Pistol Project, a modern version of the famous Bren Ten style pistol. Originally released in 1982, the...
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    Miscounting votes garners a death sentence... least according to Paul supporter in New hampshire. Paul supporters 'freak out' town clerk Vote-counting flub draws ire, threats January 12. 2008 12:20AM Jennifer Call's eyes searched the office for nothing in particular. Her arms waved and her fear spilled out. "This is where I...
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    NRA saves the day once again

    Yet another example of why the NRA is THE organization for protecting 2nd amendment rights. NRA Wins Big in California State Court of Appeals Fairfax, VA - The California State Court of Appeals announced today their decision to overturn one of the most restrictive gun bans in the country...
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    Paul finally gave up his principles Paul Keeps White Supremacist Donation By BRIAN SKOLOFF, Associated Press Writer Wednesday, December 19, 2007 (12-19) 17:06 PST West Palm Beach, Fla. (AP) -- Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has received a $500 campaign donation...
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    For those that watched the debate...

    ...did any of you notice that the "questions" that were asked of the republicans seemed far more "gotcha" than the ones asked of the democrats? Even ignoring the planted general who works for the clinton campaign, lots of the questions seemed really hostile and designed to try and trip up the...
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    Props to Duncan Hunter

    If it wasn't for him kicking the bureaucrats in the nuts, the military C130 firefighting planes would still be sitting in North Carolina instead of here in San diego putting out these fires. (Why in the hell are 3 out of these 6 planes stationed in NC and none in california?) I might just vote...
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    Ron Paul is a Pinhead... least according to Bill O'reilly. In one of his cute:rolleyes: segments entitled pinheads and patriots Oreilly dubbed Ron Paul a pinhead for comments Paul made at a Q and A session at one of his rallys. Specifically, in response to a question about his appearance on the Oreilly factor...
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    Is this hypocrisy or is it just me.

    Key democratic leaders either won't show up or voted against the resolution condeming the acts of calling the leading general a traitor during wartime but they will take the time and put pen to paper to condem Rush Limbaugh for excercising his freedom of speech when in fact what they...
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    Thoughts on 147gr 9mm

    I've been hearing really good things about federal's LE tactical HST ammo. They offer it in both 124 grain and 147 grain. Has anybody used this ammo, or know anything about it? Will the heavier bullet be of any advantage? I assume the velocity will be slower, so it would seem that any...