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  1. M

    How do I insert a video object?

    Does it have to be linked from a hosting site, or can it be embedded in a message like a photograph?
  2. M

    Finally wil have a chance to try Trail Boss...

    Mtnbkr headed out on vacation last Saturday, and along the way he called me to say that he had found Trail Boss at Green Top in Richmond. Certainly not cheap, at $12+ for 9 ounces, I'll just find it in Pennsylvania or someplace else if I like it.
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    My Mother bought me a copy of Phil Sharpe's "The Rifle in America!" It's a recent reprint done by NRA, but is a limited edition. First editions of Sharpe's book in good condition are well into the $100 range.
  4. M

    Anyone using Trail Boss yet?

    What do you think? I want to get some for my .44 Special.
  5. M

    Off to the basement to reload...

    .41 Magnum and .44 Special. Trip20 is coming into town and we're going shooting tomorrow. I'm going to load the .44 Spl. with AA 7 this time around. I've been loading it with 231, but haven't been entirely happy with the results, so I'm hoping for something a little better.
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    I love Howard Dean...

    From the Washington (Com)Post... "WASHINGTON -- National Democratic Chairman Howard Dean was defending another of his comments Friday after telling liberal activists a lot of Republicans "have never made an honest living in their lives." Republicans called his Thursday comment "mudslinging."...
  7. M

    Isralie Orlite AR-15 magazines

    I bought 3 of these used from CDNN. Price was 6.99 or something like that. Anyone ever use these? Any problems?
  8. M

    %$(*&$)(&$# computer monitor...

    Just did the flaming, sparky, smokey dance of video death. Luckily I've got a neighbor who had a 15" sitting around. All the color fidelity of a 50-year-old Dumont color TV, but at least it's a monitor...
  9. M

    My AR-15 is actually beginning to resemble...

    a rifle. I've been putting one together for some months now. I finally got the lower parts kit, and with the exception of the bolt catch, assembled the lower. It's proving to be something of a pain in the butt, but I'll get it. Now I just need to get a bolt, carrier, and charging handle...
  10. M

    Oh, the whiny liberal pukes are going to scream about this...

    From Reuters-Yahoo: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA officer who led the first American unit into Afghanistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks said on Wednesday that his orders included an unusual assignment: bring back Osama bin Laden's head on ice. Gary Schroen and his...
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    Hey Novus, I owe you an apology!

    This is embarrasing... The recent thread in which we were talking about the Daisy V/L, in which I said the company discontinued it because it wasn't popular, not because BATF came down on them? You were right. BATF came down on them. I was flipping through a copy of the Blue Book of Gun...
  12. M

    How about enough with the "Gun Porn" thread titles?

    Not exactly a positive image of gunowners for the lurkers here. If you want to share your pictures of your guns, great. I'm half expecting to log in here one day and find a thread titled "A PAIR OF .38s TO BANG BANG BANG WITH!" or something similar.
  13. M

    Since Rich never would accept funding for TFL...

    How about making a "memorial" donation to your favorite firearms rights organization in TFL's name? NRA, GOA, etc?
  14. M

    Smoke grenade fun...

    My brother and I just popped off an old military surplus smoke grenade given to me by a friend. Wow. Lots of fun. :) The house sort of disappeared for a bit... Anyone know if military surplus smoke grenades are readily available? Where I can get them? How much they are? My brother wants...
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    7.21 Tomahawk?

    American Riflemans' article on the Midway/Savage switch barrel mentioned this round. I've never heard of it. What is it?
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    On this day in 1777...

    France became the first nation to recognize American independence from Great Britain.
  17. M

    It's here... It's here...

    Just got a call from my FFL... My Model of 1905 Hand Ejector in .32-20 has arrived... I'll get it tomorrow... I'm so excited...
  18. M

    Word back from Ceberian on blocking TFL... What the...?

    Word back from Ceberian on blocking TFL... What the F***? Here's their response. I don't understand it in the least... If this is the case, who the hell is doing the blocking then? Zone Alarm? What the ****? -------------------------------------------------- Thank you for submitting the...
  19. M

    Article in Seattle PI

    ATF not exercising enough oversight of gunshops, critics say