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    NEW GUYS! How to Start a New Thread

    Welcome to the forum. It has come to my attention that a lot of new users don't know how to start a new thread. Instead, they often start posting answers to old threads that have been dormant for years and many of whose participants are no longer active on the board. For that reason, we...
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    Component Sightings

    I am starting this sticky so so members have a place to report when they spot a source of components or ammo other members may need. This is to co-locate all posts of sightings rather than folks needed to search for new threads started intermittently for them.
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    Federal changing their primers

    Federal's new lead-free Catalyst primer design is being phased in over the next five years. They think it is actually better technology than lead styphnate. They must have tested it pretty thoroughly, as the military is accepting it and so it must be stable enough to meet the 45-year...
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    NEI gone

    Over the years I've purchased several NEI Handtools molds. Always made well and worked well. I went today to look up a bullet on their site and saw a notice that the operations VP Joel Fragoso (the guy making the molds, apparently) had passed away and Patty Melander has closed the doors and is...
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    Gun owners hacked

    This Kim Komando article is worth a read. It's a warning about a scam targeting gun owners.
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    Posting QuickLOAD and GRT data

    Yesterday, May 31, 2016, I had a talk with NECO to get updated information about his policy on information from QuickLOAD being included in forum posts. The QuickLOAD EULA gives control of the copyright to QuickLOAD's distributors in their various areas, and NECO is QuickLOAD's distributor in...
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    NRA Directors Election for 2016 Question

    Member Hummer70 has reported a number of voting members did not have ballots included in their March TAR. An election committee member on the board has asked him if he was aware of any other areas where ballots were missing. If this has happened to you, please post a reply here and state what...
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    NRA Directors Election 2016

    For voting members of the NRA, the ballots have arrived in the March issue of The American Rifleman. I wanted to direct everyone's attention to the fact one of The Firing Line members, Mark Humphreville (Hummer70) is on the ballot this time around and would appreciate you putting one of your...
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    Winchester .22 Rimfire Recall for Double Charge

    Normally this kind of thing goes where the guns using it are discussed, but since the product availability thread constantly brings up .22 LR shortages, I thought it would be reasonable to put this one here. .22 Rimfire Ammunition Recall for 1/28/14
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    All Posts on Shortages

    Please note that due to a lot of duplication on this subject, all post on the shortages are to be put into this one thread in the General Forum: The "Where is everything?" thread -- guns, ammo, primers, powder, etc.
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    Lead Toxicity Risk in Casting and in Cleaning Cases

    New (as of this posting time) member Orisolo provided a link to a University of Michigan document on procedures for avoiding toxic lead exposure when casting bullets or from primer dust and residue, as are commonly kicked up when cleaning cases in dry media. Since questions about this come up...
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    New Winchester Ammo Recall (FEB 2013)

    See this thread in the Art of the Rifle forum.
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    New Winchester Ammo Recall (FEB 2013)

    See this thread in the general Art of the Rifle forum.
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    New Winchester Ammo Recall (FEB 2013) Just noticed above recall.
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    Total Bummer; Precision Shooting Folds

    This is a bad day in flat rock. Precision Shooting Magazine, one of the best things going as a source of loading information is closing its doors. Notice from Dave Brennan is here.
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    Read This Before Posting or Using Load Data on This Forum

    THIS IS IMPORTANT- - - - - In the spirit of advancing knowledge and encouraging the open sharing of information amongst The Firing Line members, the near-unrestricted posting of handloading information and specific loads is allowed. HOWEVER--- The Firing Line recognizes reloading and...